Friday, October 08, 2004

4 the luv of god - DONT WATCH THE "DEBATES"

Well if thursday is the new friday then I tell you what:: FRIDAY IS NOT THE NEW DAY TO WATCH LAME POLITCS ON TV.

Let me start this off by saying that everyone alraedy knows who thay are "VOTING 4"÷÷÷???≠≠≠≠≠
SO Let'S not even DISCUSS IT, OK??
....and don't say you are SOME type of political "SCIENTIST" who is going to analyze the whole situation....
You already saw the "PERSONALITIES" that each "CANDIDATE" :0---< (lame duck candidate) got told to use for this "GREAT ELECTION SEASON" ( the system is what told them).

If you want personlity then READ ALL THE ARcHIVES for this BLOG!!!!!!
IF you want debate then FOR GODSSSAKEX write some comments to a POST OF YOUR CHOOSING.
DON:T go 2 a "TOWN HALL" cuz they don't exist!!! . this isn't Old New England.....go to freakkin CYBERSPACE where you don't need $10,000,000,000 ≥≥≥≥≥≥≥≥ to get into the "DEBATE" (as in the so-called town hall)

Also, like ROCKY just mentioned ORWELL::: I would like to say that most of time he didn't even write anything. He actually went out and fought the SYSTEM. He didn't cover the "DEBATES" but only did serious MUCKRAKING about issuses that really matter and that noone else was thinking about. ˚˚ˆ∆˙øø˙ some might call that RANDOM or just mere BRAINFARTS but I think you see the PARELLELS TO OUR PRESENT STRUGGLES WITH THE SYSTEM HERE AT RSBF!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:16 AM

    guess what!? I watched some of those debates (SORRY) and i think I hvae a theory. Here it is: One "Candidate" is \RANDOM
    and one "candidate" is sketchy

    Can you guess who is who all you genius Brainiacs out there?

    :o ================()

    (barfing onto the floor)

