Thursday, October 14, 2004


A little not on some COMMON COURTESY - You may want to pay attention if you are considered a big pain IN THE BOOTY!©˙∆∆∂ by someone (just like how you probably payed attention to the 'mean peole suck' bumper sticker if you were mean). This morning I was taking a shower and I hear a great RUCKUS ensuing on the lower floors of my apartment building!

WHATS UP WITH THESE FREAKING GUYS !@ they talk mad LOUD and they start talking at 7am. Talk about annoying GET IT (TALK!). They drive up in their BIG TRUX, and they start freaking screaming in Spanish (Which BTW is a beautiful language which I have nothing against in fact I MYSELF ENJJOY A SPANISH OR LATIN MEAL FROM TIME TO TIME ;).

I think one contribuitng factor was this - the Yanquis are esmashing the Calcetines Rojas. and all these guys have MAD PRIDE, and they think just cuz they live in New York that they can ACT ALL SKETCHY AND SHOUT AT RANDOM MOMENTS LIKE THEY HAD TURRETS SYNDROM.

I tell you what its called, its called COMMON COURTESTY and we need to make it A LITTLE MORE COMMON IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN - DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN??∏∏∏∏∏∏∏∏∏∏ I think we need to put the CIVIL back into CIVILIZATION!!!

ROCKY telling it how it is straight from somewhere near the street.

1 comment:

  1. ~~~````YANQui imperialist PIG-DOGS! - thats' all i got 2 say
    ((((Washington Bullets win the WORLD SERIES in 2005))))))(newsflash!!)

