Monday, January 17, 2005


OK all you INSURGENTS out there . U know I love the comments so alls I;m sayin is like WACK-W: "BRING IT ON".......
this blog is dedicated to STAYIN THE COURSE and being as awesome as ever!!!!!!

1. Guess what ??? 1 of my predictions for '05 has already come TRUE. a certain maker of MP3 players (AKA the apple ipod)) has a new advertisment campaign ALL ABOUT THE WORD ""RANDOM"" . A certian ms. "Cermak" pointed this out to me. watch out 4 it. it's Xactly like I said would happen. and when you see it then come back here and KEEP PAYING ATTENtion.

2, We are likel;y to have more truthful statements in the future.............~~~~~~~~

Well that 's all i;ve got 4 now. I was gonna take MLK day off in honor of a great TELLER OF TRUTH but U people forced me to respond. And by the way B-4 you TALK SOME 'ISH - rsbf is nothing like "W" - I just used his lingo in an IRONICAL fashion which is 1 literary method of telling the TRUTH !!!



  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    BTW there is nothing in the world that gits peoples attention like the MuthaFreekin allmitey



