Tuesday, February 01, 2005

eco-cycle my mikel

So see here this
i got this community service placement at a recycleing center, a center which deals with hard to recycle materaials such as computers and cpu's and cellphones. i go there and they take me out to the lot. whabamm, postapocalyptic computer junk yard equipped with master blaster stereo and speaker system playing some high tank, wide spang triplets of belview reminicent WALTZ!-- OR SOMETHING. so i got to toss computers and stack em and launch keyboards and shrink wrap stuff-- all with a great view of some SSNOW caPPed MOuntains. there was even this huge rock star case with wheels and internal faom casings with a huge 4000$ flat screne tv, cracked on the inside screen. fancy that. so that is what i do every tuesday morning. RECYCLEING ROCKS.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    i think its the dream of every 21st century man and woman to smash the shizlbizl out of a computer.

    They are our friends but sometimes they must be smashed


  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    sounds like something out of terminator.
    you should take pictures and post them here.

