Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I've said it before and I will say it again

My new fave thing to talk about is how I fell down the stairs the other nite. Many of you who know me in REaL life know that I love to mention this, and now to the online world on must know:

I'VE SAID IF B4 AND I WILL MOST DEFINTELY SAY IT AGAIN AND AGAIN - I JUST CAN'T BELEIVE HOW I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS THE OTHER NITE. See I was just booking it down 5 flites of marble stairs (that someone had spilt beer on) after a good solid 4 hours of drinking and SoMEHOW i managed to slip. I slammed 1. My right elbow, 2. My left elbow, 3. my knee, 4, My ass, 5. my ankle GOT SWOLLED UP. This dude saw me "take the spill". so I just popped up right away (to avoid xtra embarrasments)
Let me tell you folx. I am paying for that folly with some slight discomforts 2 this DAY. Like my ass, IT STILL HURTS 2 SIT ON. So i have decided a solution. Fat implants on the BUTTTTTTTTTTT, I would have bounced down to the bottom landing like a happy little cloud )()(0000)9



  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    U told me about by TELEGRAPH ( what I call the phone cuz its so old school as a form of communication), but I still can't believe it 2 THIS DAY!

  2. Anonymous5:38 PM

    oh rocky that makes me so sad to hear how you had stand quick up when you fell. I thnik we should all be able to roll around isn pain if we get hurt. and people should neither thisnk its funy noir serious.

  3. Anonymous9:59 AM

    rocky, it's time. GET OVER IT! my ears are a-bleedin'

    here is some ice for your sorry ass

