Friday, February 25, 2005


Today I would like to say the moral of the story 1st: the moral is: sometimes YOU CAN FIND SOME REAL HIDDEN TREASUREZ
A few observations from my FUN FUN trip to the unemployment office.

1. I was sitting in a real public style classroom to watch a powerpoint presentation about the resources you can get. It was cool. They use 3D letters and different colors like red and yellow ::ACHTUNG:: mostly to emphasize conjunctions AND and prepostions FOR. So I was asked to complete a little peice of paper where I had to chek off my skilz. OF COURSE THEY WERE ALL COMPUTER SKILLS. I checked about 3 skills (Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, and Photoshop) I also said that "Internet Blogging" was one of my job skills. Just kidding NOT. Anyway, so while I was perusing the other possible skills just to see what kind of thing real people do I saw one that caught mien eye. It was "Vegetable, Fry, Sauce" under the food department. I thought to myself GOD IF I COULD ONLY MASTER that skill. THere were other skills - for example FORTRAN (does that even exist anymore?) and also how to operate all kinds of insane industrial machinery that I had never EVER heard of - we are talking like 50X more complex than a bulldozer - PS i also said I could drive a bulldozer so I might get a job bulldozing some ish.

2. on the way home i took the train the RONG way and I was on this plaform and I saw this kid trying to tie her boots and apparently she was doing it wrong cuz the man she was with kept saying over and over again 'they ain't BUILT' like that. THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT 'they AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT" I swear he said it 20 times while I was standing there - each time AS EMPHATICALLY as the first time THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT. and then his wife would mumble something that I couldn't hear and then he would say it again: ITS LIKE I'M SAYING/ I saying though THEY AIN"T BUILT LIKE THAT.

3. There was this Indian couple on the train in an argument that I couldn't understand / but I think I can safely say I could understand who was winning the argumnet. Whenever the guy started to win she would open the 1st page of the NEW YORK POST and then she would open the 2nd page and go back and forth. Then she would close it and say something and do it over and over again when he started talking. She was so obviously NOt reading Bcuz She was engrossed in the argument. And then I think she saw me and she folded it up BCUZ SHE KNEW WHAT I WUZ UP TO YALLLLLLLL



  1. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I would add 2 that list "LINK master of all trades" I'm lovin the layout!!!!!!!


  2. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I would add 2 that list "LINK master of all trades" I'm lovin the layout!!!!!!!

