let me tell you all about a book that saved my life when I was in the dolldroms of depressviness. Its called THE MOTHUFUCKIN BIBLE MOTHUFUCKA!! haha BLING BLING yall thats what I am talking about. Just Kiddding peopel/ But what I want to say is that I WAS feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, much like atlas, yesterday. I was walking down 6th avenue in NYC and thinking things had reached a low state of affairs. DONo "Y" just thats the way it was:(
So thats when I made the RITE decision. I went into a Bookcellar. and I spent a good amount of thyme looking and looking and looking for a booking booking booking. then I found a couple and I spent a good 30 buckarooskis for em. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING YALL? THATS WHAT I AM SAYIN. and then I got home and I actually made the food for myself and then I got myself sucked up into """BOOK UNIVERSE""". and guess what folx? it cured my depressional state.
Partially what my book said was that BLOGGING IS AN ESSENTIAL X_PRESSION of democracy. And I was like WoRD Book> thats what I am saying. I mean voting is cool and all (even when it doesn't work the rite way - - - ) but I want to participate in this mof**kn democracy everyday byatCH. it also touches on some copyright issues that those of you who know my projex know that I am concerned with > Whana know what book it is ???????????
most life-affirming text since that one on the VCR-wars????