Tuesday, June 28, 2005

windshield wildlife - APT mepta4???

I'm usually not a driver of motor carriages...built recently have been. In all Irony, I actually drove a TRuck into town to buy a sticker that tells everyone how opposed to GAS powered vehicles I am. THe slogan is great - i won't be revealed here but probably on my back -pack where all U SUV drivers can C it! (burned)!!

1 of the many environmental travesties caused by drriving is all the LIFE you run down on the roadways. At this time of year out in the COUNTRY where I've been resting BUGS are what I've been smashing. Mostly U don;t think it matters b/c you just assume that its always a mohito mosquito thats been squahed - No big loss - I doubt U even bother to inspect the species on the CROME_GRILLE when you get to your destination or look closely before hitting the SPray option on the WIPERS.

All this changed 4 me when some bugs sent out a CRy 4 help that hit me on a emotional level. No it wasn't the loudest bug AKA CICADA ***(@@@@)***but the childhood favorite LIGHTINING BUG ~~~~** . The punch line is when I smashed them they lit up the windshield with a green Glow - THE BEAUTY OF NATURE - and it wasn't voluntary or to attract a MATE but kind-of by hostile force which is just not right.


ps if that is 2 strong for the readers then maybe try something like barny's I luv u blog


  1. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Having just returned from relaxing in the country, just off HIGHWAY 71, I empathize with your situation. I too noticed the carnage on the roadsides: deer, squirrel, racoons, opossum... Why, in fact, on one drive into the neighboring town (Christaller-style), in my brother's 1990 Bonneville, a LARGE vulture flew infront of the vehicle to snag a bite to eat off the decaying squirrel being warmed by the sun on the newly-oiled asphalt. Mmmm.

  2. Anonymous9:24 AM

    when will drive to the Empire State?

  3. Anonymous1:02 AM

    who are these secret commenters? IDenTItY is important in society

  4. ...I'm afraid my motoring is limitied to the great state of VT with its more humane in the membrane 50 mph speed limit . the great geographer should note that is saw a great post-card with a map showing VT as the biggest state!
