- - its really true that LIFE can imitate ART; for example the art of blogging. as we have past the much anticipated 1 year aniversert of RSBF kojak has a totally new persective on life. I realize that I did the same thing over and over again pretty much year after year but then always forget about and most importantly LOSE that KNOWledege gained from past Events or REFLECTIONS on those events.
Now that rocky and crew have established this archive NEW technology is giving me a New PERSECTIVE on things. Like I realized when I was going to watch FIREWORKS &^˙©∆©˙ˆ¥˙ø¨¥ˆ that I already blogged about that last year - I had a lot of good insights and this time I didn't let them Go to Waste (check the ARCHIVe dude!!!)). the same could be said of my summer LANSCAPING whcih has begun AGain ANEW YET not REallt "ALL NEW"
I nominate this for the most INtrospectivest blog ever Uhuuhuuhhuuu