Sunday, August 14, 2005

UUUUUUUUUUtopian environs

hows about a plan for a perfect summer day? maybe 4 example get out and explore some neighborhoods that R diffrent from YOUR OWN??
Like today I had just about about enough of looking for new living situations ($$$$APTS$$$ are all over priced so I think I'll just stay where I'm at : Modest DIGS with construction by day and LOUD drunkards by night. SOMETImes its best to let it all go into COMPLETE PHATASY...... I took a bus ride with a special friend to a nice quite part of town where one have have some CIVILIZation along with some NATURE. not your high class COUNTRY_CLUB but more of the ARTS N< CRAFTS STYLE homes and lushious slopes and parklands. THen I just pretented to be LIVIN LRRGE



  1. Anonymous2:14 PM

    you should stay in your old a-p-t...stay true to that scary-creepy elevator.


  2. Anonymous6:50 PM

    can someone tell me what is the deal with arts and crafts style homes/

