Monday, October 10, 2005

NEWSFLASH: kojak reportedly considering offline "brix n'mortar" lifestyle

with regards to rocky's rant N'wisdom on the NTY: I think its highly symbolic of the decline of online life. Vis-A-Vis the INTERNET , real LIfe is getting better all the time> (no not TV!!!) .
1. (Example relating to ROcky's point previously mentioned): if you go into cafe's especially late in the afternoon you can often find the NYT for free and read all the sections you want. Except for last week, someone had cut out some stuff out...
2. (*Also related to something rocky said about RAIN) on a rainy day its especially nice to get some of the newsprint on your fingers. This is much better that going to a computer LAB and tocuhing the gross keyboard
3. (mainly thought of myself) an alaming number of non-FLatering pictures of KOJAk are appearing on various internet locals. In real life, if I look bad I disappear real fast (like around corners) and then people forget they saw me. If I look good a hang out more ...but only for limitied amounts of time. In conlusion, a pictuer is sometimes not worth 100 words...



  1. yes I mean U, Mr. stibby stearnch . Especially when you captuared Kojak in nature survival mode (meant to scare grizzlies) - most of my other fans put up very nice pictures !) (with exception of some negative paparazzi:(

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    WOAH WOAH! Shocked and awed.

