Thursday, November 03, 2005

what Is it GOOD 4"

What are online journals good for? Blabbing about your own selfish life? YES shouting your opinion? YES. Well I'll do just that: starting NOW> For starters i got a list for a list of people who have "blogebrity" they get the most "hits" and they are considered celebrities, because people read their blogs. There is just one problem with that. The rest of us, for example kojak and many other of my friends, glorify the brix and mortar lifestyle/ While you may be trying to become a blogebrity some others may be feeling the healing rays of the beautiful sunshine rejuvinate their faces.

Me for example, i spend some time on a computer, but, I don't have "A FAKE INVENTED PERSONALITY THAT IS DIFFERENT FROM MY REAL PERSONALITY" Everyone I know calls me Rocky Dyamic, or Rocky D for short, or sometimes Rockticktock around the MUTHAF*Kn CLOK. You know what I'm sayin? I guess you do dear friend. A bit more about my life. IT got shocked and changed cuz i met female of the lady species that rocked my atmosphere. I won't say much more on that, cuz i think that is pretty self explanatory.



  1. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Wow! The lady species, eh? How's that?


  2. Anonymous3:28 AM

    intriguing to say the very least

  3. Anonymous1:46 AM

    ah yeah, brix n mortar all da way!

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    blogebrities don't necessarily have to try, they just are. don't be hatin'

