Monday, March 13, 2006

oomPH ooMPH oomPH ooMph

you know what else I think might be Coming back is RAVING - perhaps in a more simplistic form than before. while visting the windi citi I recently went to hear some HOUSE music and i thought: "this really transcends the demogrPHics" and you can get into it and get involved as long as your not 2 shy. Its more simlistic but not a Gimmik for a Demographik like many other forms of music I feel. Some will say I'm EATINg my Words here <... <... <... and yes maybe I do regret that time I didn't go to a RAVe with Rocky (circa 1998) b/c I didn't like to stay out too late and said no to drugs (xxx)

kojak ... ps it must be SPRing b/c theres a FLY in my APT!!


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    There's a FLY in my apt RIGHT NOW 2!!

  2. Anonymous10:54 PM

    I guess the arguement against raves is that they are organized by computeres. But sometimes the Means Justify the Ends.

    AS IN WAR.

    haha! Junk kidiing

    ockyray ockyray ockray
