Saturday, April 29, 2006

Story about Care E Oak A

I was present at karoake for 3 hours and didn't manage to sing. Finally i wished to sing Puff the Magic Dragon, but I was too late and the time was finished. On the way there I saw a bum sitting with his head down and a hood over his head and a sign saying "Tell me off. $2". That as one of the saddest images ive seen. matched only by someone who wanted to sing puff the magic dragon but was cut down by the sands of time.

But those are only sad images. and as we all know images aren't reality. They are but a small facet of that which we call reality.



  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    thats the problem with kar-o-kee - the people with the most vanity sign up first and sing a buch of boring predicatable songs then everyone wants to go home - if you really want to sing puff you might have to do it on a subway platoform - so long as GULLIANI doesn't bust you like a BUM!!!

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Puff is DIDDY now, yo! He basically sings kar-e-o-kee anyway so maybe it doesn't matter?

  3. Anonymous3:02 AM

    always sing whitesnake! whitesnake is good to go!
