Thursday, April 13, 2006

Story About SLushies that ended TODAY

Dear REdadr,

The other day I got off of work quite late in the evening. At that time all I wanted was a SMOOTHY. Because 1A: I am sick AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2B I just felt like it. So let me do a little recap on this story so far - I was working late, I got out and I wanted A SMOOTHY. I am telling you thats what I really wanted. NOT A LIE! So I looked around, but there is nary a smoothy to be found at 12am MINDNIGHT in even a city as grande and fabulous as New York CITy. Nary a smoothy to be found even though i walked to the UNION SQUARE looking for one and Ye even though there was an icecream shop open at that time, and ye though they had signs SAYING they would have smoothies NO. The smoothy operation had been shut down. So back to brooklyn i went with a hope in my heart that the YOUNGER HIPPER icecream store might still be able to make a smoothy at 12am midnithgt. BUT LO even the youn hip smoothies were out of commission. So I went home BROKEN HEARTED. Then let me tell you the twinkle: I checked my mail (DON"T ASK ME WHY I CHECKED MY MAIL AT 12AM MINDNTI I JUST DID) and lo and behold there was a COUPON from jamba Juice for ONE FREE SMOOTIY. I SHIT YOU NOT. Truth is often stranger than fiction and in this scenario YES. ANy way i just went ther and cashed in on a BIG 6 dollar Smoothy FOR FREE. now i hope the fruit goes to my immuanls and i of henceforth riddance of sickness

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    i hear a BLOODY mary will also do the trick! (available everywhere!)
