Sunday, June 18, 2006

Seltzer, the club of soda's

Want to knock your thirst out with a CLUB? Like the cavemen used to do it? Well then why not enjoy a fabulous seltzer water. The bubbles heal you thirst and calm your SOUL. I just BOUGHT 2 Beers and 1 bottle of selzter water. And guess what i am drinking. NO- wrong. THe seltzer 0 Right. Water is nature goodness, but zeltser is mans crowning acheivement of perfection.

It takes a wise mature individual ( no Kids thank you very much) to appreciate the subtle greatness of CLUB SODA. CLub Toad. It also takes a Toad. They found a toad in the bottle at the factory. And everyone freaked. Everyone did the ballroom blitz.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:53 AM

    very good for the digestions as the EUros know - that's why if you if you ever travel abroad they will ask you if you want water with GAS or without. ONly a tourist says "without". also try wiskey and soda!!!!!
