for those of us fortunate enough, What did you REALly like about college? MAybe for example kegs and parties but maybe not. MAybe you weren't into staying up LAte at all or maybe just went to one or two raves and that's it. Then what about COURSE PAKS - I bet you have some fond memories of them
;})different colors - do you see a potential special study buddy with the same color PAK?
guess what? I just made my own. Took the power into my own hands and divised my own set of crucial readings w/ spiral and color. It says "PROffessor Kojak" on the cover even though I'm not really a prof. (I've got mad knowledge though so it's OK)
Select special readers of this blog: you have been entered into a contest to recieve one in the mail!!!!!!!
PS special alert: Cermak has published a legitimate rigorous acedemic text coming soon to a scientifical journal near you!
w0 dudes the comments were disabled some how??? No longer.
ReplyDeleteWhat;s up how are you?