Thursday, May 10, 2007

Update on glasses

remember how my glasses got all scrathced and all?

well I went to get some new ones...

I considered some various styles { I haven;t exactly been an optical trendsetter like rocky } and checked out the classic thick plastics in all newfound versions . I eschewed the WIRES but checked out new types of METAL that I hadn't considered . The DANISH have figured out how to use some advnaced titanium to construt a sleek style that you I think many >>>> of you might enjoy .. It almost lookd like plastic - but it isn;t . It's GREEN TITANIUM maybe the strongest material available at this time but appartently the lens will be plastic ?? how ironical.



  1. Anonymous1:30 PM

    ironic indeed for those of us who have metal lenses!


  2. Anonymous10:49 PM

    THe Danish are pretty much the cat's meow. Oh I want a cat!

  3. Anonymous1:53 PM

    yum i want a danish!
