Friday, February 22, 2008


Recently I had the pleasure of voting but found even greater pleasure in the Elemenatary school in which it took place . Brilliant young students had written novels and displayed them on the wall. One I perused was called ALL ABOUT CATS. IT had many chapters and BIG writing so I'm sure everyone said it was a real book. it went something like this:

""""ALL about cats
(=^;^=) -|-|--|-|~~~

Chapter 1: Types of cats. There are wild cats and house cats . cats come from africa and other places. Like tigers and snow lepords. The egyoptians loved the cat and made it a house pet

Chapter 2: cats have camoflage. there are 2 reasons cats have camoflage. One is to hide from there prey. 2 is to hide from humans who chase them. this is true for housecats only. (drawing of tall grasses in Africa ||||||||||||

Chapter 3: wild cats have many habitats. HUmans destroy habitat like the rainforest :( . Differnet cats have different habitats. Picture a snow lepord and a tiger. Close your eyes.

Chapter 4:
Open your eyes. all cats use the bathroom. this is only true with houscats (drawing of litter box) [{ _}]

.....A few more good chapters.........

The end

reported by Kojak