Saturday, June 21, 2008

A story of woe that has resolved into Symphony

A simple search for the word "bike" on this blog will reveal that it is a subject of utmost importance.

ANd now I would like to tell you a story of that began with WOE. Many of you may remember BLUE GOLDFISH Now be ready to cry a stream of tears as long as the Mississippi. Blue goldfish (I refer to the bike) was stolen by an unknown not0good person. This is how it happened. I went to visit my girlfriend at the plant store I left the bike outside and unlucked and unlocked. and 5 minutes I sh*&*^%t you not later it was gone and no where to be seen. NOw an interesting addendum to the story. A couple weeks ago Mr xroomate was riding over the bridge and he passes crosswise someone who had a nice bike (BLUE GOLDFISH) stop your jaw from dropping becuase there is more. He followed the evil doer into the deepest queensbridge projects of astoria and CALLED ME DURING THE HI-SPPEEED PURSUIT! If cours I was FLAGERGASTED and Didn't know what to do! Anyway he saw the guy take it into the projects and the dude looked very tough so he didn't RISK his LIFE.

So I found the O.G. police report and called teh police I even did some research (finding PHOTOGRAFS) so I could prove the bike was mine. Lo the only such existing photographs of Blue GOldfish were in fact TAKEN by CERMAK and pictured I, Rocky and THE HONORABLE JUDGE KOJAK standing behind a peaceful and seren pastoral lake atmosphere in CENTral park! And yet even with the peices of the evidence, the police, as is there TYPICAL style told me TOUGH luck there is nothing we can do. (Ieven talked to a detective) LAAAAAAME!

Now to end the story in happiness I have a new bike, it was cheaper (of course its not as much of a racer as bluegfish, but I allready like it a lot. PLUS I INTALLED HOT RED BRAKE HOODS THe color of the new bike? WHITE, so if any one hasideas for a name?Rocky

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    that is a real bummer. Cermak and I will continue to cherish that lone photographic reminder of the bluefish (K)
