Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a shopping experience I would actually recommend

my general belief is that products will not ~= improve your life.  remeber the band fugazi® with the songs about not buying products and what not??? For those not in the know Let's just say it was DIY meaning do it yourself.  

Lo and behold I found my self taking at trip to the  conatine® sto®e ®®®®! and they actually had some pretty sweet merchandice!!  I got some sweet metal bins for all my punk CD"S and some glass jars with "hermetical" seals and even a hamper and some clothes hangers.  Did I mention I had to drive to a mall??? And the best thing was the teenager at the ca$h register forgot to charge us for some of the stuff because she had the hickups! how punk.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:18 PM

    i am going to buy a bike helmet
