I know why i have never had a credit card. BECAUSE THEY SUCK. thats why. I got one cuz I have to have it, because society has insisted and there are certain things I cannot do without them like rent cars. I rarely use it. But see there is where I get screwed, because I forget. Like in freaking octover i used it and JUST now paid it. STUPID!! I got stuck with over a hundred in late fees. I just keep ignoring the email statements. Becuase they don't look alarming and I don't remember using the card, so what gives. But man. Argh. ONLINE RAGE! I know its my fault, but why does society insist I have a credit card. I don't even get it. I have to change things and now become aware that the 10th of the month is coming up. anger anger anger!
you may want to check out the track "scotchguard the credit card" by les savy fav