Im here to complain, Again. This time its what I saw at the local weekly GREENMARKET. There was a corporate art project. I think that in itself sounds kind of WACKED, but I'll tell you more. Some of you may know that I am interested in "participatory" art works. And these days, this kind of thing is all of the rage in art worlds. ANyway there is a new american apparel kind of of rip off company. I can't even find them online, but they looked young and hip. and they have this project where you are supposed to write something on a sticker, then they stick the sticker on a barrell and send the the barrell to BP (british PeRROLeum). Its supposed to be a message. BUT THIS IS what I have to say.
How EASY is it to get people to "Participate" in this so called political action, when you are taking aim at SUCH an easy target,- ULTRA liberal williamsburg AT THE FREAKING Greenmarket. Wow folks, people are really "Feeling" your awesome corporate ethics that you have aligned to so easily build consensus. PLUS they ask for you email, OF COURSE you are going to be getting Stupid ass updates about this Waste of Paper, stupid project. WHY not do somehting useful instead of trying to make some dumb symbol that we all allready agree on and then stealing it and putting your name on it and trying to take credit for being and activist. CHUUMP moves
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