Saturday, December 11, 2004

how 2 communicate w/ ANIMAL life

I have a couple TRIX i somtimes use to conversate with animals. Not really on the level of debate on ABSTRACT TOPIX but more just like a general BACK and FORTH (tet-a-tet :::a la francaise)
Dig if you will the picture:::I was reading a book at my local CAFE - everyone knows its the PLACE for the most intelligent life around. Next thing you know someone brought in a CUTE DOG to order their coffee with them. It was either a PUPPY or just a small dog like a JACk russel. SO I started tapping my toe really discreatly - using a style that the people didn;t notice but the dog did. Actually it got so HAPPY it just about started freaking out. It barked and JUMped UP and people were like WTF (?!?) - - THEY DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THAT WE WERE CONVERSATING.


  1. Anonymous6:40 PM

    aLOT of people DON"T know those scientificalistic tricx.


  2. Anonymous6:41 PM

    BTW!!!! good 'weird war' actually not so good video is at but it does involve geography


  3. Anonymous1:28 AM

    I listened 2 it w/ // sound OFF (looks like rock music~WHATEVVS)
    they do seem to know alot about the MASONs though and there is a small DOG everyone should watch out 4

  4. whoa kojak (from PA nto OH, whew!) that is a great way to conversate with the furry minds do you mind if i borrow that one when I get home for the holidays? i like to think it does not even require the physical moves all the time sometimes you just have to give a dog the right look and they know that you are _also_ thinking about the possibility of smarter lifeforms elsewhere in the universe.

