sometimes i think we are aliens when we sleep. all that life i live while my eyes are closed -- i kill people , ( ha ha ha), i see other people killed, i engage in all kinds of DRAMA never known to me in the day time. in my dreams i get married again and again. what is happening here? no, i will not listen to freud, who was an alien who was a good storyteller. what i am curious about is how would we draw aliens today, aside from the visages of those IN POWER? remember when martians were always green? did you know green is the color of hope? why green? why not purple? a purple robot cockroach.
so i just watched The ARt and Science of Aquarium Maintenence on and i am wondering how mr rocky de grieve got to be wes anderson before wes anderson was ??? WA w/ perhaps , even, more , 'serious' themes ? when is the full motion picture feature coming out, Implausibot ? ? ?
i have a friend named ryan powers and oftentimes i think we should all just change our last name to Powers. day and night, powers.
Lo to the G A N . (if there were a certain ping pong tournament in January, ,i would totally be in training so i could win that thing to the shame shock and appalation of all ping pong pros)
my friend told me to say Thanks for the ""I beleive in Mr, de Greeves" statement. THANKS he said THAT REALLY KEEPS ME GOING he said
I made up a gradesheet once and I made up a name called "MAX POINTS." If are you ever in my class, thats what you'd wish your name was!!!