Monday, October 09, 2006

what have i been doing this past week?

What have I been doing? I don't know. I haven't been "WORKING"
what have I been doing? I don't know. I gaven't been "WORKING"
what have I been doing? I don't kgow. I haven't been "WORKIGG"
what have g been doing? I don'g kggw. I haven'g beeg "GORKING"
what havg g geeg dging? I dog'g gggw. G haveg'g gegg "GORGGIG"
ghag gagg g gggg ggigg? G ggg'g gggg. G gggeg'g gggg "GORGGGG"
gggg gfffffffffffffff-r


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    you must have the G* virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    ***!!!OFFICIAL DECLARATION!!!*** :::
    I hearby issue a QUarantine to prevent the further spread of G*.
