Monday, March 31, 2008

vaca de casa

if you haven't heard from me lately maybe its because I have been .... 
ØIT started out  odd because  of the lousy weather we've had  Ø  
nevertheless there was a vacation to be had  JLOY
a trip away from town to a great big house with lots of friends inside. all of the modern luxuries including some of the finest LIQUERS our society has to offer.   i dig the food and socializing including face to face activities and NINTENDO which I had not partaken in in some time.  

1 thing though: I get kinda antisocial between the hours of 24:00 and 8:00 .   It was totally fun for a weekend but I don't know how I survived the DORMS . maybe rocky remembers ....

smart and diligent

When choosing a color for the background of your mind, I suggest a soothing one.

I just spent four days working on my resume, on a specific template mind you. One where you plug in the numbers or in this case letters and kazizmanya! you have a resumeric function, job ready and willing.

However on this account, I was trying to email the doc for days, to no apparent avail. Saying there were viruss to be found. SH*T. So i say test one two breath, retype. I did this four whole tims, same diff.

Finaly at suggestion of none other than ROKKEE TOKKEE, taller than an E WOKKEE.sayd PDF tha sucker. And I did and you know, I am starting to be in a communicable relation with prospective employers! YAYAY

sita p

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Name for cheeze

I have a NEW name for cheese. It's


Sunday, March 23, 2008


its one forty five am and where are you children. In the Zoo? Because if you have monkeys for children I suggeste checking the zoo. and then the jungle

Monday, March 17, 2008

diet 4 st pattys

Aye yi yi yay. Now how do you know whether you should be a vegetarian or not. is it a mood preference, a social grace, or a message to god. I do not know. ok so if its ok to kill vegetables, assuming that they are alive, or living then what about aNriMALs. Why blood? heart? organs? brain? soul? why are they different. I am not sure that I ask these questions crektly but I sure would like to know. Actually not, but If i am partial to vegetables, will i become a vegetable, or to i have to eat plastics and other such fibers to maintain my korrect - a - tude. sheesha. sita pants

scientifical forecaster discussion

Cermak and I are headed down to PDX next week so I turned to the science 2 get a scoop on the weather 
Here's what I found:

""Long term...plenty of solutions...but hard to tell which is the
correct one for the extended. After front moves across Friday...will
a broad area of low pressure sit over the Gulf of Alaska for the
weekend. System may hold up offshore...but will bring disturbances
into the Pacific northwest. Question is whether or not Sat will be dry or not.
Will go with showery pattern to continue as models still indicating
cool upper disturbance moving across region. Afterwards...may have a
break. Unfortunately...not confident on this will keep
chance of rain in for Sat night and sun...with better threat later
sun and next Monday as this low pushes into western Canada and
accompanying trough moves across Pacific northwest. Ahh...Spring. Rockey. ""
NOTE AUTHOR : is this possibly a third relative in addition to Rockio?
copied and pasted by KOJAK

ps: I like the bug dude but what if he is mistaken for rocky or kojak when walking down the street? does he deserve that star treatment just cuz he's a scientist?

Sunday, March 16, 2008

rsbf philosophical lineage

.. If I fail to say what lies on my mind it gives me a feeling of flatulence; I shall therefore give my brush free reign. Mine is a foolish diversion, but these pages are meant to be torn up, and no one is likely to see them.

-Kenko from Essays in Idleness 1330-1332

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Random Bird catches Sketchy worm (>?_

I went to a new dentist yesterday and he said simply "you have a clean mouth" no need for overreact. Whearas the other dentist said, YOU WIll die a slow horrible roasting death for evil doers in the depths of hades if you don't FLOSS you vile slime_bucket! who should I beleive and what are their MOTIVES (operandi) for telling me such differentiating stories.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

early worm catches the bird

want to have an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE?? (*&(?
try this
Wake up really really early %(
force your self to Do something RANDOM . for example I drove to the airport at 5AM : with time change = 4AM.
Come home and go back to sleep
- when you wake up you might you may think you had a dream, out of body experience, but definitely not that you had already done something random that day. (except if you got hurt it would be real so try anything too crazy) (K)

Monday, March 10, 2008


Many people notice that I Rocky Dynamic have bee quite prolific in my writings of late. There have been good articles and bad articles., but this one folks is a real shocker: THe Article that follows is A SHOCKER.

Last night I was going to work on a project. My friend/clients were late and so I drank a beer by meself and read Sophocles, master of "Greek" Tragedy. Finally they arrived 3 hours late. By this time the time pressure was ON because, well its a time sensitive project ie being projected in (Los Angeles: the city of Angels) tomorrow night. Anyway ba
ck to the story of tragedy. Yes that's right my story ends in DISASTER. So they showed up. I set the processes which need to get started started, and then offered my friends a BEER themselves. I knew they were tired and exasperated from a dead car. So i said how about a beer and they said. OK. I went to the fridge, pulled out a beer (two actually) I also grabbed two glasses of a traditional bar type manufacture.

NOW is when the first element of disaster reigned down upon my evening. My sleeve caught the edge of a nearby wine glass, a stemless masterwork given to me by my father. The glass FELL to the floor shattering into many pieces. My friend were- how shall I say aghast? suprised. Now STAY TUNED because more classical tragedy is coming your way to a theater near you. I went behind the FRIDGE. and got out my DUSTPAN. I began to sweep the peices. I felt flustered with my recent mismanagement of nearby physical universe and wanted to "Sweep it all away". NOW YE BEHOLDST. Behind me came a crashing noise not unlike the heavenly wrath of Zeus- the layer of waste to many men. I saw a most UNLUCKY PORTENT. Ye how a long body-sized MIRROR! had slipped out from its precarious postioning of storage behind said fridge and dashed itself to many peices upon my kitchen floor. And YE imagine the surprise of my friend-clients when they heard the noises of CRASHING yet again.

Chalk it up to the wrath of THE FURIES! but now I have 7 YEARZ of bad luck which I plan to yuse to my advantage. ROKIO

Friday, March 07, 2008

Message for weekend

Here is a video that I maded today. it has a message to say for you about the weeknd.-rodkcy

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Apparently I had no significant thoughtstoday

. I have been sitting here trying to think of any "OLD?" thing to write about and yet Nothing is occuring to me at all. It seems that I have not had any significant thoughts . SOmeone give me a topic! please I amhaving issues. Issues of the MIND. Ladies and Gentelmen. I am having...........a real............ Live

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

update on *cåt

turns out rocky was right milk isn't 2 good for cat

ˆø cat however luvs it. freaking out everynight and looking all in our glasses 4 it

ˆø other products exist to address the situation (thank u usa ). I won;t endorse them by name by look for the emotional cat picture on milk like box. you fleine will thank you! (k)

Sunday, March 02, 2008


before the prince turns
into a pumpkin with black
rubber gloves count for


Saturday, March 01, 2008

wake me up in 1 minute

never Ever ∞∞∞∞∞ (where was I) don't never volunteer to do somethingh on the weekend. you WILL not be rewarded by that. all's that will happen is you'll have 2 wake up and yule have to use an alamrn and this will not BE happy circumstances. on the weekend. that's it i quit

signed kojak (cermak interpreter)