Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Northern Nowledge

Hey, Its me again! I'm tryin to give rocky a break from the harsh critics and maybe impart some knowledge to anyone who might still be loyal to this ^FORUM^ (yes CAPS - remember we make and BREAK the rules whenever we want so don;t say JACk 2 kojak!).

Remeber one of the things RSBF has stood 4 from day 1 is breaking international boundaries(???) Well, I'll have you know that its not just in cyberspace that you can do this. Yes TRENDY FOOL, it possible - PROOF: amtrak even does it and therefore so did I aboard the train called "CASCADES"!!

After transcending the borders one thing I noticed was the deep philosphy that CANADIANS put forth in public settings. I did soem EAvesdropping and heard this JEWEL (its about ping-pong - a trend many people have gotten with but still don;t know the real SIGNIFICANCE) : "people will always tell the TRUTH when playing ping-pong because they're mind is in a state of AWARENESS/HypNOSIS" Example given: " IF you ask someone they're age they will not be able to LIE." IS this possibly a good alternative to the torture advocated by the MAN??? I hope so. Maybe we will use it against him. I hope so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's some A-mazing Nawledge.
