Sunday, April 22, 2007

most relevant bus ride to this blog EVEr

just got back from a nice trip to FRISCO THE BAY AREA ... you might remember past muckraking from this local by rocky (word to the achive) . Well I can't say I spent too much time there or are any kind of an expert but sometimes a little LUCK can go a long way in brief time (S= D/T) . I even went to a famous bookstore of so called proto Bloggers like Jack KeroWACK . They had a "muckraking" section but it revealed no works of rocky or kojak so was deemed to B dubious.
Most people enjoy a trip on the cable car when in town. It;s really ideal if you want to point a CAMCORDER at things instead of using your MIND then writing it down later like me right now. For real mu ck raking the Bus on trolley wires is preferred. cermak and I did this and so much happened my mind almost can;t recall..

first off, it was sketchy as it was late and Chaos ensued n many questionable individuals pakced in . I don;t like to make accusations but let;s just say that some groping occured that bordered on crotch grabbing ASSAULT. cermak almost had to get in a dudes face like a can of MACE !˚˙©˚∆˙
Next off , we thought another dude was getting sketchy but he turned out to be an unexpected ALLY...RANDOM!!
Who??? Rocky's brother RAMSTEIN !!! (assuming he wishes to be know by that)
We've hardly ever made his aquaintaince but he totally recongnized and asked " R U KOJAK?"
unbelievable . (he lives in this fine city) ANd what a nice man .



Wednesday, April 11, 2007

scientifical survey on bike riding

Here is a survey developed by SJ OUTCOMES, JOHNNY RIGOR, ET AL.
You will want to take it if you ride a bike to determine WHAT kind of cyclist you are . You might also use it to identify what kind of biker you see.\
(this applies to street riding - think about the last time you rode on street/sidewalk)

1. What type of bike frame?
(A) Road Bike (B) Hybrid (C) Mtn Bike (D) Vintage Road Bike

2. How many speeds do you have at your disposal?
(A) >21 (B) 19-21 (C) 2-18 (D) 1

3. What type of brakes do you use
(A) Canteliever breaks (B) Disc breaks (C) Squeaky/Other (D)None-Fixed Gear

4. What do you wear on your head?
(A) Sleek Helmet (B) Helmet w/ visor / Brain Bucket (C) nothing (D) Che hat/ bikehat

5. What type of legwear?
(A)Tight Synthetic (B) Loose sythetic (c) Loose Cotton (D) Tight jeans

6. What's on your chest?
(A) Bike Jersey/clear jacket (B)Bright layers (C) Seasonal wear (D) minimal layers(tight T)

7.What kind of pedals?
(A) LOOK style clipless (B) SPD style clipless (C) basic (D) clips 'n straps

8. What is your prefered FLARE item?
(A) aero eyewhere (B) 3+ blinkies (C) underinfalted tires (D) U Lock in back pocket

9. What type of bag ?
(A) just goo packets (B) Paniers (C) backpack (D) legitimate messenger bag

10. To turn left you...
(A) merge into turn lane (B) hand signal and dismount (c) use crosswalks (D) trackstand then cut across speeding traffic

Count up the A's : if you score 5+ then you are a SPORTY rider

"""B's: if you score 5+ then you are a SAFETY rider

"""C's: if you score 5+ then you are a CASUAL rider

"""D's: if you score 5+ then you are a DEMOGRAPHIC/HIPSTER rider

needless to say if you score 10/10 you an ARCHETYPE!!

(reported by kojak)

Friday, April 06, 2007

Just got a NEW! idea

If I opened a spectacle shop, the name? Forget Spectacular Spectacles or Behold the Spectacles or Spec Rec 5000, What Would I Call IT? THE VINTAGE VANTAGE. I can't believe I give these ideas of pure gold away on the world wide internet. for anyone to see as an incentive to read the rsbf. Speaking of pure gold spectacles: I got some. let me tell you the progression of my vision assisted life:
1. squarish wireframes. they came at the same time as braces and boy was that... great
2. oval wireframes, with a kind of purplish tint, made by carrera, these had more pretensions of style, but i was still not serious about glasses and tried not to wear them.
3. THeN, probably the one great fashion maneuver of my life, big black glasses (made by hilfiger no less) I swear people would comment on those glasses EVERY DAY and this was before I ever even knew what emo was. Then those glasses were broken and
4. Clear. these were the longest for the last 6.5 yrs. No EVERYONE HAS CLEAR so I advanced like how IPODs advance
5. and now GOLDEN AVIATOR frames, these are not as ironic as you think and actually most people don't even know tice that they are knew NEW, which is good. ITS ALL ABOUT GETTING OLDER OLDER OLDER OLDER OLDER OLD MAN rocky

Sunday, April 01, 2007

vacuum packed tornado attack!

While it's generally against policy to namedrop corporate products allow me this ::
SHARK euro-power stick vacuum!!!!

After much frustration I finnally ditched the dirt devil .. They sell it for real cheap but then it stops working cuz the filter is all clogged but guess what : no filter can be bought in any stores I go to. I was subject to several lies on $6 filters that fit "all models" but apparently not mine HOW WACK. After getting my new high power I realize the dirt devil was WEak sauce all along.

THe power of the SHARK will rip an ikea rug in half!!!!

So i must be careful it's so powerful. My home environs "sim cafe" is so clean now. Much improved...

$30 value turbo scoop extension included for FREEE
