Friday, April 29, 2005

just a random post at 417AM

1st of allllll WHY the HELL does blgpot say that we have only 76 entries up. I WANA KNOW THE TRUE NUMBER. But they won't tell me. OK now that I am back from chicago I am re-centering. And - my tolerance for the BULS*(T has been decresed. fool me once shame on y0ou fool me 2twice shame on you 2wice. Rite()()()())()()()()()()(()()())((()(())(())))((()(()()()()()()(()()()()()()0()(())

prize to the one who can ID the folowing"""""""''':::::::
Jalick Jalick ya wind up latah.

for those who can't count it goes 123.

whens the last time you heard a funky diabetic?

got IT??

Sunday, April 24, 2005

in aN historic place

I am writing from the NOrris University center. To some readers and contributors of this brainfart, they know what that means, to others, don't worry about it. I just walked from northern Chicago to Evanston IL. It was a long walk, Now I am in this school that I used to go to and people here have SUCH HORRIBLE STYLE. Its like they think that cuz they are far enuf away from chicago they don't even have to worry about how they look. Half teh kids here are wearing sweatsuits with the school logo. BARF. At any rate this is very strange to think I spent 4 (four) years of my life here. I feel like- I DON"T KNOW.

ITS HIGHLY EMOTIONAL____________))_)_)_))((**$($(%*())# :::: OK?


Thursday, April 21, 2005

MindBoggling - the best word to hear 1million Times

I was working on this commercial the other day and the announcer kept saying MINDBOGGLING. I have to tell you people out there that that is TRULY THE MOST REWARDING WORD to hear over and over. It just gets better and better. Like a juicy tomato. MINDBOGGLING or a fresh to aged frommage


Sunday, April 17, 2005

FALAFEL VS FALAFEL: a new model for world Peice


Do you ever wonder about who owns teh creative property rights for the nutritious and HIGHLY STYLISH foodgroup of FALAFEL? Some ISraeli's think its theirs. Some Arabic bretheren claim a contradictory thing. Lets Not even talk about Lebanon and Syria. SO Whos owns the falafel, and who deserves the credit? and in short who is the best and deserves to have their names put on "all the gifts" that THE ULImately HIGh POWERed deities have bestowed upon US?" A way to solve this? Lets think back to some of the knowledge that we were privy to yesterday, Saturday>>A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!

If Israel brings their homeade falafels into Palestinian airspace? Or if a man from Beirut bakes up a falafel ball and eats it on the New York City Subway? We must ask ourselves the tough questions and ask the world. WHEN IS THE FALAFEL competition?

I can tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCEĎ€. that the aswers are not so easy to find. I X_perienced multiple falafel enterprises this weekend and instead of answering my answers, it questioned my questions


Saturday, April 16, 2005

how discreet 2B???

just a second ago I was hanging out with my computer pretty much doing nothin at all - kinda like what they used to call SURFIN ~~~~~©¥Ë†©¨~~~~~

well OK let B honest people I've been sufferin form some blogsmith's writers block - - not that I haven't been having brainfarts just not at the m;ost oppurtune time usually. I feel like usually its when I'm about to fall asleep and then I do and I forget it all.

Anyway, her is something of a BREAKTHRU........I've thining about a general theory of when to eat or dirnk in public situations where its outside of the NORMAL.
For example: (A) 2 bring outside food into a cafe
(B) 2 drink alcohol in a movie theater
(C) 2 chow down while on public transport
(D) brung something like a starbuck latte into a thai restuarant

I was telling Cermak the other day that she should refrain from (A) b/c its indiscreet, but then I was at a movie with her and my other friend started doing (B) and then I did too. I continued with (B) even after the movie out into the lobby and street. Then just now a guy next to me started to do (A) with some pizza and I got hungry and that s just not how to thinkof a general THOERY to support all my positions and also incorporate (C) and (D)

A^2 + B^2 + C^2 = D^2 ---yeah right U WISH!!!!


Monday, April 11, 2005

MORE amish feelings

I don't know if any of you get some really annoying emails by people that act like they know you;. They have really enticing subject lines like: "This stuff really isn't a expensive and before" and "Little magic. Great Weekends"

At least these things are showing up in the BULK mail box. But I swear I get one email with those exact titles at least 3 times a week. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment. DO they actually think I am going to go to their stupid ass fly by nite websites and snatch up a whole load of viagra and pirated software? Who actually gets victimized by these pathetic attempts? Like OH HERE IS A RANDOM EMAIL FROM SOMEONE THAT I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHO THE HELL THEY ARE: LIKE LISA J. AND THEY ARE GOING TO OFFER ME SOME INSIDER ADVISE ABOUT WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY MONEY. three words: Get out of MY FACE!!!! and don't ever come back here with your honeysweet words of seduction again. I know your type and I know that it won't lead to anything good. I bet actually what they do is target the new email accounts. Cuz most of the people getting email accounts these days are either 3 year olds, or old people trying to make sense of the world.

I guess there is a possibility that they mite respond. But if I were making emails taht would be emailed to 1 billion RANDOM PEOPLE i think I would make the headline a bit better. Maybe something like""FREE CANDY ON 5TH AVENUE AND 6TH STREET" and then you go there and its just like a fake H&R block. Or the other thing I like is when I get an email that says that someone in the Democratic Repulbic of Niger wants to pay me like $160,000. OH yeah I forgot about how I was in that whole arms smuggling thing and I didn't ever get paid.


Friday, April 08, 2005

we should just get rid of cars

I've been SANS CAR for quite a six-month period, but this week I had to pick up my car and RETRACE my old commute across the bRIDGEs and TunnelS. yesterday morning in my neighborhood, I approached a GREEN light and was met with a MOB of 50 DEFIANT high school kids crossing on the "NOT WALK" sign. the kids must have been evil geniuses, because they knew that if exactly 50 of them crossed at the same time, no car would have the gall or poewr to BREAK THE BARRIER, even if it was the car's right of way. I TAPPED my horn and to my dismay it was BROKEN! THIS was the freakin TWILIGHT ZONE, I'm telling y'all. after the 50 teenagers eventually crossed the road, another group of 50 were in waiting to CONTINUE BARRING ME from getting to work. worse yet, some of the MOST EVIL teenagers turned and laughed at me.

sooooo.....Powerless with no horn, I made a LOUD PLEA to the kids in a QUASI-FRIENDLY voice..."come on light is GREEN, won't you let me paSS?" and then like DARK MAGIC the sea parted a bit, leaving about 5 feet for me to begin to shimmy through and goad the stragglers out of my way. TEENAGE MOBS: FREAKIN SCARY.


Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Xperience rsbf with nostalgia

Xperience rsbf with nostalgia

This is really going to get your heart pumping:

STEP1 click and start listening

STEP2 now imagine you are a robot from another planet trying to learn about the history of human kind and someone told you that the best way to learn is to read rsbf

STEP3 so now imagine scanning through at lightingn speed with a little robotic grid pattern in front of what you are seeing
and you read and read and the images and emotions are flowing and GOD D*MN YOU ARE LEARNING ABOUT HUMANITY!!

breathtaking no?


Monday, April 04, 2005

Legendary HairCuT of epic Porportionalz

Oh now Rockyhas a haircut story

I want to tell the world about how I had the best X_perience that I ever had getting my haircut. People think I am pulling their leg or busting their Huebos or just playing B_S_ing but I AIN'T PLAYING. I had such a great time cut my haircut the other cut nite. It all started out in a major contrast to goodness in a somewhat evil twisted (an adjective I have used to describe other transportation systems ie paris) and horrible experience on the NYC MTA that wasn't working like always on the weekend (JUST THE DAY I decided to buy a """fun"""" pass)

But when I arrived at the haircuttery (which was actually disguised as an regular nice apartment- actually it was just the aformentioned thing I was just talking about. IT WAS_ and APARTMENT) YOU see this haircuttresse was a personal reccomendation, a friend of a friend. I met the person that was gonna cut my hair. So we had a beer and talked about my "hair situation". This is what I would like to call the "pre-cut consultation and psychological anaysis" which I had never had before. Then I looked an example picture book (pictures can sometimes help you - have you ever been to a chinese restaurant?) and then we got started and I finally was able to be a regular patron/cutter talk, and have a bit of a chit chat with the person that cut my hair while it was happening. Needless to say this cut has a subtle quality that reveals itself in new ways at each moment, shimmerring thru time e=MC2.

and guess what? at the end the haircuttress gave me a bottle of farm fresh milk to take home, for coffee, or for whatever. Me I just drank a couple glasses straight up no chaser


....what's up with all these letters. I fear rocky has taken the abstraction to the next level ^^^^^****^&&%&*(&*


that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.

I think the TRUTH is "STYLE." AS in something we've got in massive abondanza! THat reminds me of a great poster.
U know how every office need some INSPIRATIONAL posters? My office has some good one's way better than those KITTENS that hang from shoes strings out of trees "OOPS!" :) :) ha ha ....

WE have some posters my buddy the LAWN-WRANGLER brought back form NEPAL. SOme are all about the beauty of nautre and how it inspires us all but another has a motorcyle with a huge ass engine and it says::::::


that's exactly what I'm SAYIN.
