Wednesday, May 25, 2005

The Classickness of a black and white STRIPED SHIRT

Let me tell you about a trend that a good personal friend of mine by the name of JEAN LUC GODARD started back "in the day". This trend is for the ladies and it is called a Black and White Striped shirt. A bit on the stripes: Horizontal they must be. SO why do I mention this. WELL LAST NITE I SAW 2 GIRLS(?) in a bar with the the horizontal black and white striped shirt. So even though one of them turned out to be a man, I still thought it was good idea.. It doesn't matter how big the stripes are in terms of w---i---d---e---n---e---s---s--- and the amazing thing is that even though there are some FACISTS out there that say horizontal stripes aren't good for you they are wrong because there is a certain GALLIC STYLE that proves that those FACISTS whole world view is UTTERLY FLAWED and distorted and HAS NO RELATIONSHIP TO ACUTAL REALITY AND THEY NEED TO GO BACK TO THE BOOKS AND STUDY OR LEARN HOW TO OBSERVE A BIT BETTER AND NOT BE SO TOTALLLY CLOSED MINDED.


ps in that last sentence I could have been aided by a third case of letters, or supercaps, or the third case, or however you like to call it

Monday, May 23, 2005

Thursday, May 19, 2005

There are some people who just KNOW how to live. and then there's me: ROCKY

Greetings from the great state of VT,

Ever notice how Burlington VT IS THE EXACT SAME CITY AS SEATTLE? its true they are the same in every way. What with the lake and the sunset and the hippies and the hills. Same city.

So here's my story. I am working, making a """MOVIE"""" up here. Just to be blunt about it, its about psychiatric care in prisons. Don't worry though, its NOT a docYOUmentary. So here's the story see. I am staying in a real nice house with a big nice kitchen and let me tell you folx, these folx know how to live. They eat well, they live well, and hell they even work well. So whats the catch?? I don't know. But for me I walked out of here and into the fair city of BURLYTON. I walked around for too long and I got hungry so I panicked. There looked like some cool jazzy youth places so I kind of lingered and peered around outside. Then I was just about to try my bravery when LO + B_HOLD i forgot===no cash. just try to find an ATM in butlytown. I went into a CVS type place and they DIDN"T EVEN HAVE AN ATM. so I panicked again and decided to spend my last 2 dollars on "spice drops''= GUMDROPS. Now here is the one godsend, I got up to the front and saw apack that was 2x as big as the one I had and was .88cents. EASY CHOICE. long story short. I ate way too many gumdrops and then ate too much pizza and now I have a headache. and I kind of feel LIKE A FOOL. not really.


Monday, May 16, 2005

YEAH, what is the meaning?

remember when I talked about PALINDROMES...I saw the movie and its very random and so maybe should U (???) . almost like Garden state except I don;t think anyone said RAndom like natalie portman did. At 1 point in palindromes they actually changed the actress just to see if anyone would notice.
I've recently been trying to enterain myself and try 2 go out and C some stuff & try to relax.........~~~~~O__<

1, I saw a musician who literally once Droppped the bomb %^$&^%, but at the show it was forcecful but non-violent THANK GOODness sake

2) I went to a party and saw a really sketchy movie about food from JAPAN. At one point there was a creature like a turtle but with no SHELL and the chef cut it open...I think the idea was to drink the bLOOD.
Later a woman died b/C she cooked SHRIMPS AND PORC until she dropped !!!!!


Sunday, May 15, 2005

a story about kites

What up all you people in Random Land? WHATS UP?? I SAID WHATS UP?? jeez you act like you can't even hear me! Jeez!! So this weekend I went out to see this Kite FLying Festival. thats a festival or a FESTIVUS where everyone flys they kites. Or at least some kites get set up and they get flied by the wind itself. HERE IS SOMe news for the wise::: Kites are a metaphor, for a lot of things. They are metaphors 4 love, death, patriotism and wanton behaviour. When someone says go fly a kite or " the wind is free so lets use it" what they really mean to say is henceforth: I am an anarchist.


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

ladies, Just the man you wanted PLUS A WHOLE LOt MORE. (((an ad I just posted on craiglist

Dear Ladies,
Why settle for a man who you deem to be "amatuer". WHy not a lover of full intensity, passionate glances, and exciting notions? Perhaps you think I am foreign by the ways that I phrase my sentences. Well you are WRONG. I am not! I just appear to be foreign because MY PASSIONS ARE SO GREAT. Can you imagine the perfect date? Well that is the time that we will spend together. Perfect in every sense of the word. You will find me to be most intriguing, and perhaps at the end of the night we may venture a smooch????? WHO KNOWS?? the possibilities are ENDLESS. Limitless. Beyond boundaries, without borders, you JUST cannot tell ladies! Being with me will take you to another land (maybe new jersey??)

So I will leave you now with that tantalizing picture of you and me beneath a starry sky (when it gets a bit warmer) in a rowboat with frogs chirping, and a candle, and a whole picnic scenario with 2 or 3 bottles of the finest red wines, and maybe some delicious cheeses, and a stawberry that we will have to split for desert. If this sounds like the ideal situation to find yourself in, then don't hold your beating heart back. Stop listening to depressing music and lets get together. LOVE IS IN OUR FUTURE

I will keep you guys posted about detailsssss and developmentes

Monday, May 09, 2005

A relative with writing talents

I had to post this because there is someone out there who has nailed rsbf literary STILE even more better than we have nailed it. That person is MY UNCLE. Here is an email he just wrote to me no jokes (the trophy he is talking about is the spinning trophy mr Xroomate made for the ping pong tournament.
MR.- MR.'S,
What's the RPM's on that trophy? U be using " FRUIT OF THE LOOM"
T-shirt's? Will you be happening to join the festivities in
Have you ever hit a water buffalo terd that carreened the front wheel
into an unstoppable spin. I HAAAAAAVE.

Rachet it up a few notches, MINE SIGNOR,
i guess its true like they say:: "Coolness really DOES run in your GENEz"


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Heartbrake HOE_TELL

This was something that made me laff the other day. Laff with a capital FF. My friend wanted to play pingpongin the upcoming tournament. But he wanted to play with this girl who has a boyfriend (and thats going to be her partner). So this was our txt conversation:::


other guy:
BF? Brian Ferry??!? O my hoz snatched alredy...damn.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

verbal palidromes

we had this thing in junior high that we used to call WERBING,...mad props to anyone who can remeber that slang so underground its not even in the urban dictionary ( all these are wrong ). SAT hint: verbal constipation is an antonymn...
I saw there's a new movie called palindromes....I'm not sure if its good cuz I haven't seen it but I do like what I imagine to B the main premise that is PALINDROMES.

~~they always seem so hard to make up but a good alternative is VERBAL PALIDROMES: they're not the same as palINdromes that look right on paper but are really jsut as good and MORE FUN. *The BAsis idea is you just say them and they sound like palindromes to most people**

Try some of these out on your friends (speak fast!!_)
coincidentally many are based on asiatic foods??)

1. I dream Naan Bread
2. Osama Samosa
3. Yummy Samosa Sammy Sosa
4. Sara likes Stoli Ras

Possibilities are endless!!!
