Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bloggers think you are cool?

I recently went to a meeting about coyotes. and there was one guy who has been following a coyote in Central park. so I wanted to talk to him, because I am doing an art project about coyotes. I mean come on. I think I have showed a good deal of dedication to this animal. ANYWAYS. so I went to this meeting and basically it was MCed by the urban park rangers , but then they just turned to the floor over to a guy who had created a thing called the Wild Dog Foundation. Ok I am thinking, that is appropriate. Well, he has some gradeschool style like science project trifold foam core boards that had pictures of coyotes and big capital letter handwriting... and this guy, he was like a kind of amateur stand up comedian. He kept making jokes about how he was balding and stuff- anyway- and then later I looked at his handout about coyotes. It is FILLED CHOCK FULL of grammatical and spelling errors. I know what you are thinking- Rocky- you must like this guy. But, hey yeah I do things like this guy does, but I don't try to pass myself off as a scientist. Here is one of his sentences
  • The growing concern now is that coyotes can live close to people which makes people unfairly afraid
Ok i kind of undstand but. Ok TO THE MAIN POINT OF MY LECTURE. I knew this coyote naturalist blogger guy was in the audience cuz the fake scientist wild dog long island enthusiast kept giving him shout outs. Oh- another point- I sent an email to the blogger trying to aquaint myself. Ok so after this lecture I go up to the blogger and try to say hi. and HE KNOWS WHO I AM and he makes like one little remard and then says" i have to go to talk to some other people" . FINE YOU FOOL. i just wanted to say hi. here is the thing. He has no respect for me because I am not a gentleman scientist like him- who is a FAKE SCIENTIST!!!! that WHOLE place was FILLED with FAKE scientists. and they did not appreciate art like REAL scientists might

Friday, March 26, 2010

Notes from world travels.....

hear are the dreams....\\

And in reality here is the coolest bird I have ever photographed know as the "MOT-MOT" national bird of NIcaragua.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Telephone in teleloilet

Dear Reader
Now that AGENT KOJAK is having serious life events upcoming, I will make sure to pick up the slack here at RSBFART and make sure that OUR READERS of which there may be anywhere between 2 and 1.5billion have something to feast upon. Or rather something upon which to feast

Here is an interesting event that happend to me. I got a phone call in the bathroom and dropped my phone in the toilet :) .Luckily there was nothing else in the toilette other than water and my phone: IF YOU CATCH MY DRIFT?!?!??!????! Well thank gracious. Here is the good ending to my story. I washed and toweled off my phone and IT STILL WORKS like the real workhorse that I would like to beleive it is.