Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Huebos de LIbertad

I just laid STREET JUSTICE down with an iron fist only 2 minutes ago. Backstory: for some reason there are these big ass f*kin trucks that drive in front of my window very early in the morning. Actually i know the reason: the main truck route to South Brooklyn is "being worked on". So there are big trucks and school busses filled with chasidic children goig in fron of my place every morningn. And if there is anything in their way at the intersection where my apt is they freeeking lay on the horn. I am talking a SUPERPOWERED AIRHORN style of horn that sound of which is amplified by the concrete canyon that is my street. Basically what I am saying is that it is LOUD AS THE DEVIL.

Well a little while ago I said to myself, rocky, this is crap. They don't have THE RIGHT to do this buisness. Thats when I went to the refigerator and pulled out an old EGG. I put it in the bathroom close to the window. And then it sat there for about three weeks, don't ask me why it didn't "STINK me out of of HOUSe and HOME' but it didn't, because I took great care to no puncture its shell and release its DISGUSTING CONTENTS. A few times since I've had that egg in position, people have honked their brains out, but I was sometimes 2 lazy or 2 late to get them. BUT guess what happened a few minutes ago, apparently a bus driver thought it would be a funny idea to HHHHHOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKK, so loud. I jumped out of bed in my underwears, ran to the bathroom and f*kin pitched that rotten ass egg into the side of that hateful school bus. HA HA HA justice is served with a yolk. If the police come up here I truly don't care, I will say excuse me OFFICER they are also "breaking the law"

maybe you would like your eggs with bacon, officeer?? HA HA HA HA AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHPASLLHUFJL


Friday, July 22, 2005

I'd like to address a real XXX

call it a mystery, call it abstruseness, brain twister, brainteaser, charade, chiller, cliffhanger, closed book, conundrum, crux, cryptogram, difficulty, enigma, grabber, inscrutability, inscrutableness, mind-boggler, mystification, occult, oracle, perplexity, poser, problem, puzzle, puzzlement, question, rebus, riddle, rune, secrecy, sixty-four-dollar question, sphinx, stickler, stumper, subtlety, teaser, thriller, twister, unfathomableness, who-done-it, why

Call it what you like. But Talk about the INTRIQUE OF this person who does not sign their name. It has EVRYONE TALKING


Thursday, July 21, 2005

201th RSBF post


WHO Wants 2 B on my ALBUM

Yo whats up readers? HOw are you keepin it?? REAL???
DOes anyone want to give some SHOUTOUTS on the reeal? I'll put you on my Album that I will be releasing. Just like how KOJAK released a hyper-active Telefonic shout from Sea-TOWN last nite, before he cooked STIR_FRY. LIke what you do is you call me up and then I put you on the DOPE NEW DEVICE OF MY *WACKY* cell phone THE SPEAKERPHONE and then I record your shout out into my COMPUTER SYSTEM. You could say WHATEVER u WANT (within reason). Just like Sita Pants also dropped knowledge straight from FrIsCo last nite too.

DO you Want to be Famous like these aforementioned peopepepes? call me up!


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I was in
"bee are double oh kay el why en"

I went there for a visit and ever since then I've been incorportated. With select personal, right here in brooklyn, the place where I dwell.. Today on my travels I saw a magic house, It was INSANE. kind of in a ghettoish area. And it looked like some sort of guadi/ghery/junkyard architecture combo. LIke I don't know if any of you guys used to watch HEATHCLIFF the cartoon. but Remeber how they used to live in this big old pile of junk in a junkyard? A crazy towering pile of stuff that you may have seen in clinton hill. ITs called broken angel. and a crazy old man lives there. So whats the philosphy pointbehind this? one mans junk is another mans crunk and one mans funk is another bands monk. My life is also A PRECARIOUS PILE OF JUNK THAT MAY FALL APART AT ANY MINUTE, MUCH LIKE THIS ARTISTIC ARCHITECTURE. Exept IF I fall apart, I won't kill my inhabitatnts. Unles I have a stomach worm. EEEEEWWWWWWW yunk


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

get out of my dreams and into my inbox


no no I meant, wtf, why am I dreaming about email??

that's so RANDOM!

I DID NOT mean, "how come you didn't return the email that I wrote in my unconcious state? wtf??"

hahahaha. see you this weekend? let's eat a burrito!

Ella Mysteriosa


wtf? What do you mean, did I not return an email or something? I will tel you wtf? wtf is that I have literally just gotten off working in a small room on the 17th floor of a building on 26th street after working for about36 hours straight, and I am X-eyed


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Dear Rocky;

This morning I had a dream that I was writing you some electronic mail. Also checking the balance of my bank account in the internet zone.

Now, if this isn't a dream of the future, I don't know what is.


Here's a question for you; WTF, dude? WTF?

Yours Truly,
Mystery Lady

Saturday, July 09, 2005


- - its really true that LIFE can imitate ART; for example the art of blogging. as we have past the much anticipated 1 year aniversert of RSBF kojak has a totally new persective on life. I realize that I did the same thing over and over again pretty much year after year but then always forget about and most importantly LOSE that KNOWledege gained from past Events or REFLECTIONS on those events.
Now that rocky and crew have established this archive NEW technology is giving me a New PERSECTIVE on things. Like I realized when I was going to watch FIREWORKS &^˙©∆©˙ˆ¥˙ø¨¥ˆ that I already blogged about that last year - I had a lot of good insights and this time I didn't let them Go to Waste (check the ARCHIVe dude!!!)). the same could be said of my summer LANSCAPING whcih has begun AGain ANEW YET not REallt "ALL NEW"


Thursday, July 07, 2005