Monday, March 26, 2007

joys of education

for those of us fortunate enough, What did you REALly like about college? MAybe for example kegs and parties but maybe not. MAybe you weren't into staying up LAte at all or maybe just went to one or two raves and that's it. Then what about COURSE PAKS - I bet you have some fond memories of them
;})different colors - do you see a potential special study buddy with the same color PAK?

guess what? I just made my own. Took the power into my own hands and divised my own set of crucial readings w/ spiral and color. It says "PROffessor Kojak" on the cover even though I'm not really a prof. (I've got mad knowledge though so it's OK)

Select special readers of this blog: you have been entered into a contest to recieve one in the mail!!!!!!!

PS special alert: Cermak has published a legitimate rigorous acedemic text coming soon to a scientifical journal near you!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Search for Longest Escalator in World Thwarted by sands of time but trip to washing DC still a smashing success

I was officially known as plus guy attending a nuptial ceremony this past weekend in "OUR NATION'S CAPITOL". Me and plus girl took the China town bus to this western capitol then through monument valley wondering about differences b/w eastern and western philosophies. Then some of these comments were supported by subsequent literature.
"The way of the Gods"... seems consistently to have extolled the principle of no-principle and the value of no-value...'Everything the good and the bad alike is the work of the gods; thus teachings such as Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are alike the work of the gods, and so is the fact that men are lead astray by them. It is in this sense that distinctions of good and bad, right and wrong, exist...It follows that in governing a country one should first try to ensure safety from gods as did the ancients, but if it should prove difficult to rule without resort to Confucianism one should rule through Confucianism." This actually is meant to illustrate a Japanese sensibility and in no way is it meant to allow gw to resort to a christian bbq to unite us and mindwash our sensibility.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

hey whats operationsl

hi my feet are too warm. I told my parents I need new socks. But I told them don't worry about buying them, I just need them. Goy my feet are hot. holy pasta fazool. Guess what i am drinking soda pop. Its what I drink cuz i got a fancy job for month. ENGLISH DICTIONARY TRANSLATION::FANCY=====Dr PEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPr

peptide. detergent!
Rocky Dynamicest in townasdfjkl;

Thursday, March 08, 2007

watch out for these people Rocky

Alert: rocky, there is a unholy bunch in your area of the world. I read about them in the your newspaper, "The News Fit to Print" this morning. They are idenfified as residing in your former residential district. They might look for you in your new, undisclosed residential district. You might recognize this crew as very similar to what we both experinced in our university dormitory in terms of look and demographic. They're a little older now - a little less scared of the "SKetchy" (but still having nighmares about 'the grabber'). They lack true stylistics or a great understanding of the TRUTH but when they come across something "RANDOM" they will try to capture it as best they can, within they're wacked out perspective.

BUT guess what, people will buy it in various forms - In this case a new SCEnt > Most People mistake these PRoducts for the THRUTh! And the unholy bunch will only be encouraged by the $$$/. You, dear reader, know otherwise. Like the great svenonuis said they will try "to manacle the dangerous men, isolate their scent, and put it in can."

Saturday, March 03, 2007


My shoes have betrayed me for the LAST TIME. about 35 seconds ago I just took them out to the street and put the in the trash and said PEACE OUT SHOES KEEP IT REAL (if you can). HOw did they betray me? There's a little thing that happens in nature and even in winter and its called rain. And me shoes they've got these little things on each one called holes IN THE FEET. Do you like walking with wet feet ? NOT and me I don't NEITHER. PERIOD. OUT OF MY LIFE. the shoes were dirty too and you know what? This is easier than cleaning them. Dirty in the dirty trash where they BELONG. Another issue that recently arose with this FootWear that I am commenting about is the issue of whether or not they should be tied. This is such a difficult philosophical issue. Throwing the shoes out solves that issue too. So peace out shoes, keep it real, in the trash