Friday, July 30, 2010

Random Sketchy Brainfart School of Urban Planning and Park design

As instructed by Kojak, master of geographical knowledge I have been reading Jane Jacobs 'Life and Death of American Cities. Here is a quote about washington square parks empty central waterfountain

"In effect, this is a circular arena, a theater in the round, and that is how it is used, with complete confusion as to who are spectators and who are the show. Everybody is both, although some are more so... for neighborhood parks, the finest centers are stage settings for people".

this says something about my interests in parks. Now I am wondering, and perhaps Kojak can answer this message- who is the person who recently dissed Jane Jacobs and on what grounds?

Monday, July 26, 2010

i think i'm solving CRIMES!

so i may have filled you in a bit on my new job option. It is about NEIGHBORHOODS my specialty but not being the one in control it not always easy to follow through the calculaltions. For example priorities...what is important can be hard to categorize. ANd i always have my own idea but not always how to express them....

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Coriander Stench and Taste

Recently a freaky and possibly evil phenomenon happened at our house. A dish was cooked in a frying pan, in fact in both of our frying pans. and The ingredients were Pioppini Mushrooms and Kale. The funny thing Started the next morning. I cooked an omellet in the pan (AFTER WASHING) and a freaky and evil smell came out. To me this smell is that of ANTS- the insects-ants. but it also is the strong smell of coriander. A quick disclaimer and another development in the narrative: We have just brought home 2(two) coriander plants. That smell exactly like the smell I am describing. SOunds like an easy answer right? Im just smelling the plants. BUT WRONG. because the smell SPECIFICALLY EMANATES FROM BOTH frying pans while in use. EVEN After washing multiple times... I am telling you it is a MAJOR mystery. and it freaks me out because in addition to smelling like ANTS, I also think that coriander smells like POISOUNOUS CHEMICALS :(--------- rocki.

ps: the question is: IS THIS an evil spirit or ghost? or chemicals

PPS more elements to the MYSTERy. This smell keeps coming from dishes that are cooked in the pan- including infesting a new pasta dish several days later.


Sunday, July 11, 2010


just got back from my east coast SOJOURN with the last stop being BEANTOWN. There was a lot of history there for example the REAL T PARTY, Those guys were actually really cool when you think about it. Check out the third case evidenced here in my primary graveyard research :->
These guys called out the high treason and had high quality pamplets kinda like blogs

Monday, July 05, 2010

Cheap Marketing devices

Im here to complain, Again. This time its what I saw at the local weekly GREENMARKET. There was a corporate art project. I think that in itself sounds kind of WACKED, but I'll tell you more. Some of you may know that I am interested in "participatory" art works. And these days, this kind of thing is all of the rage in art worlds. ANyway there is a new american apparel kind of of rip off company. I can't even find them online, but they looked young and hip. and they have this project where you are supposed to write something on a sticker, then they stick the sticker on a barrell and send the the barrell to BP (british PeRROLeum). Its supposed to be a message. BUT THIS IS what I have to say.

How EASY is it to get people to "Participate" in this so called political action, when you are taking aim at SUCH an easy target,- ULTRA liberal williamsburg AT THE FREAKING Greenmarket. Wow folks, people are really "Feeling" your awesome corporate ethics that you have aligned to so easily build consensus. PLUS they ask for you email, OF COURSE you are going to be getting Stupid ass updates about this Waste of Paper, stupid project. WHY not do somehting useful instead of trying to make some dumb symbol that we all allready agree on and then stealing it and putting your name on it and trying to take credit for being and activist. CHUUMP moves
