Monday, November 29, 2004

Is it all WOrth it In the EnD---Ω

i find that if you think 2 much about these things they aren't as good, you knowWHAt i am saying--Ω so anyhoo i was thinking I want to tell you all a LLITTLE SECRET!! readYYYY?? this is it GUES WHAT?? Gues what my MOST HATED WORDS ARE OF ALL TIME!! Guess, I bet you never will Get ready for some YinYang shit - Random and Sketchy. actually i have developed a love for them now, but Beleive me I think that they are the last in a royal lineage of Youth words and they mean nothing and have none of the cultural weight or strength that words LIKe GNARLY do. so? well I was thinking about this the other day 4 me RsBF may be an SUPER AWESOME ZEN EXPERIMENT OF FINDING NOTHING IN SOMETHING OR something in nothing. If someone sez to U "You are SO random" what the hell does that mean NOTHING. See now the secrets out but yo this is about telling the truthyall.

On the other handds I thinkits time to stop trying to force it. Don't Fos yo self you know? I hope everyone heard that song Aobut FOODs. What else. The other thing I needed to do 2day was laundtry DAMN IT DAMN IT+


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Turkey eating CONTEST !!!!!

Lets talk about THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON. for example on SUNDAY NITE i went to a potluck. I know what you are thinking:::HOW COULD A POT BE LUCKY---Ω well you've mixed it up a little bit, what I am talking about is a POT-LUCK. its where you go and you SMOKE POT AND GET LUCKY HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHA. OMG JK. I did eat a brownie with """""PEANUT BUTTER"""""" in it, but I didn't get LUCKY. but whatever. I consider myself LUCKY JUST TO LIVE THE LIFE I LIVE AND KIK THE RYMES I KIK NO---Ω

anway lets start getting a little bit more serious and not get so carried away with excitement. Lets calm down and DO A REAL SOCIAL CRITITQUE SHALL WE---Ω the subject for destroying today:: a movie:: again:: its called:: KRISTMAS WITH THE KRANKS, and i have to say it looks like almost as bad as any damn thing that has hit the streets thus far. IT is trying to be a FAMILY MOVIE: cuz people in the US can't spend time together doing any intereswting traditions LIKE SPENDING TIME IN GRAVEYARDS ALL TOGETHER as a FAMILY, which is waht they do in a few other countryz. WHAT WE LIKE TO DO WHENits ""the special time of year"" is go into a dark movie theater and WASTE A LOAD OF TIME AND see A SHISTY movie. ITS VIRTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE that this KRanks movie could be good, even though it contains a wealth of talent. JAMIE LEE hermafrodite Curtis and That fat dude taht was on one of the tonite show the other nite, MAN LET ME TELL YOU THAT was a sad moment. HIM TRYING TO plug the movie and be natural HE WAS SO PAST HIS TONITE SHOW PRIME.

now I bet i know what you are thinking again: why cuz i am FREAKING PSYCHIHC thats why you are thinking, ROKCY, why are you paying attention to the TV and the stupid movies. And I say to YOU:: HEY its in my face!! i can't get it outa my face, sos i have to comment on it.

roCKy "the TurkeySlicer"


Friday, November 19, 2004


I need 2 warn everyone about a MAJORLY annoying phenomenon you're most likely to encounter in the NORTHWESt of the USA ((like for example Seattle)

::the weather gets ugly then you see CERTAIN TYPE of people trying to pretend that IT"S ALL GOOD AND IT DOESN;t affect them at all. Note to the guy who I saw WALKING AROUND BAREFOOT the other day around CAMPUS::::"you will not achieve COMMUNION with mother nature, actaully NATURE MIght give you PNeumonia and kill U!"
Same goes for the people who SIT on concrete and try to work on a LAPTOP outside whe nits all cold and damp. I know I recommended this sort of thing only a few weeks ago but GIVE IT UP!! (you're making me cold just watching)
Also when riding a bike WEAR SOME LONG PANTS and NEVER< UNDER ANy Circumstances wear FLIP-FLOPS between october and april.

On the other hand I'm HAving Troblue TYPING lgfif i sidf!! !* !
Its been a long week tyring to ADVANCE THE COURSE OF HISTORY through scientific pursuit (thanks rocky for acknowledging the efforts but SOMETIMES I WONDER???????)


a quick survey: ROLEX CAN BITE ME

the other night I was on a date with a certain fellow, and all was going swimmingly. I ASKED HIM WHAT TIME IT WAS because I had promised a friend I would phone them, and he noticed that my wrist was BARE. he inquired where my watch was, and I replied that I do not make it a HABIT to WEAR them. from this point, the date went DOWNHILL. said fellow got majorly on my CASE for not wearing a TIME-KEEPING DEVICE. he asked me how I ever know what time it is, and I told him if I need to I will ASK someone next to me, or TAKE MY CELL PHONE out of my purse. ASKING PEOPLE THE TIME IS A VERY SOCIAL ACTIVITY IMO. he rolled his eyes and said WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! I thought to myself maybe you're the waste of time!

I ASK ALL YOU READERS OF THE RSBFART COMMUNITY, IS IT FAIR TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST SOMEONE FOR NOT WEARING A TIME-KEEPING DEVICE? I know there are flashy folks out there who have made it a LIFE GOAL to someday own a luxury watch that rhymes with BOLEX. but when I notice all the people on the street who check their watch NERVOUSLY because they can't look STRAIGHT at you while walking towards you, I am assured that I made the right choice.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

GOOD vs Eeevil

Last nite I was amongst 50 of the greatest scientists, policy leaders, and progressive business men and womyn in the world today.
I was just in there (trying 2 get my job done) and thihnking 2 myself. rocky WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU DEVOTE MORE OF YOUR LIFE TO SCIENCE AND MATH. CLEARLY MOST OF THE PEOPLE THAT MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD ARE SCIENTISTS - just take a look at KOJAK or perhaps THIS OTHER DUDE THAT LIVE In san FFranscisco that may one day write a column on this site _ which he calls "smelly dogfart". HA HA very funny JUST CUZ YOU ARE A SCIENTIST, doesn;t mean you need to make FUN OF RSBFART, because RSBF "IS" SCIENCE. ITS the ONLY "SCIENCE" rocky HAS.


like the other day i saw this OLD lady in the subway (not only adults and kids in subway - also oldies!) and i though she is old and world weary (notice lowercase) she doesn;t think about email or Advancements, she just has to deal with them, as far as she is concerned they are'nt giong to improve her life, that she knows. While WE THE YOUNGER have to plan and have to figyure out WHERE THE changes are going to be



Saturday, November 13, 2004

children or adults-which would you choose?

maybe some of you noticed the other day was named for Veterans, but it seems strange to me that children benefit most from all those wars, because they don't have to go to school. The trains were full of kids, and this always makes me laugh, because usually the only kids you see on the trains are ear splitting, unfunny teens or little things trapped in strollers. is it true that a manhattan child spends the first 18 months in a monstrous xcountry stroller? how do they ever learn to walk? no, what i'm talking about is the roving children in between, who already know how to get a good seat on the train. on my way to school a little 7 year old girl practicially dove between me and another person to fill the six inch gap, which she assessed would fit her just right. rightly so-- she wiggled in, crossed her legs, got out her drawing pad and silver pencil, and promptly leaned into me like i was the back of her chair, and angled her legs towards the other lady, like she was the footstool. while her mother urged her not to get her dirty boots on people, she struggled to remember this adult law. now, why is it when I inadvertantly bump people on the train, or get shoved into them, they look at me like i should be THROWN OFF THE TRAIN? i think people who expect not to be touched on the train should be BANNED. i'll ride with the kids any day. it was just my luck, for on my way home, i rode with bubba and trey on the 2 express, who had two mothers and two strollers w/ two occupants and took up a lot of space. Have you ever noticed that most of these small people, once they get a seat, dont' sit down at all, but stand up and instead of looking around at everybody, seeing who's hot, who's not, who smells, who hsa cool shoes, they turn around and look out the window ! so i was doing my adult reading next to bubba, who's looking out the window at whatever darkness is so exciting, and suddenly i feel a fuzzy gloved hand stroking my hair. it's bubba. his mother yanks him off, but i'm laughing so she laughs. bubba goes back to staring out the window. then i feel someone hugging me, except his arms only reach around my neck. bubba again. yay for bubba! please, let's have more holidays so we can put more children on the train, and get rid of pissy adults. otherwise i'm going to have to stand up on my seat and stare out the window, the WHOLE RIDE !

Thursday, November 11, 2004

CHICKEN PARMAGIANA 2X IN ONE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!®®®®®

OH MY GODDDDDDD!!!!!!!! I ate Chicken Parmagian 2 TIMES IN ONE DAY>>>>>>>>>>>>
first I ordered THE HUGEST chicken parmagiana sandwich 4 lunch and then MR ROOMATE COOKEd THE HUGEST chicken parmagina DINNER with

ANGEL <<<<<<<<<<<<<< HAIR <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

pasta, and then desert. LEt me talk about CCARBs 2 you for one moment:: REMEMBER wen you used 2 """"CARB LOAD""""" before soccer Gamez, or if you didn't play soccer, MAybe you Played a little AMERICAN FOOTBALL or what I like to call "Pigskin KickING". anyway I am sure that you ate a bowl of pasta B4 the game. and NOW WHY HAS THE CARB been demonized so? Well, it makes you Fat, thats one thing, I don't know about ewe, but I am getting OLDER. Yes Older, And wiser, and I need to stay at the TOP OF MY PEAK!!! so that why I at least try to THINK ABOUT eating salad at least once a day. even if I am eating a double cheezburger or donut, or maybe some Other disgusting food, I will at least try to make myself feel guilty 4 destroying the environment and destroying THE HUMAN BODY, namely my own. U know what screw aLL this I can EAT WHATEVER I DAMN WANT> i heard taht in japan its

VIRTUALL IMPOSSIBLE to be a vegatarian, *****even though they have invented DOFU. HAI !

Konichi WA
Nan de A na Ç–dfÇ™hjkljÇ©sdlÅGgjkcÇÒkÅGc


an invention 4 a NEW WAY OF LIVING

.........most important INVENTION I have made in a long while.
(and by the WAy this will be an important ALLEGORY 4 many important aspects of LIFE)

the other day my ALARM CLOCK went OFF !#@#@$#!$#!$#%^ !!! and I REACHED out and grabbed it then mashed the SNOOOZE but DROPPED IT ON THE FLOOR (hard woods). Tthe battery totally fell out and all looked lost but I put back 2GETHER and I tried to set the HANDS ((non-digatal TECHnol))to the write TIME>

SO after I WOKE up and looked at the CLOCK again and the time seemed completely RANDOM, like 4 O"""clock or something like that.
So the AMAZING circumstance that happened is that the clock still works ...TIC TIC TOC.. but the hour hand is ALMOST COMPLETELY RANDom - you never NO WHAT IT WILL BE AT ANY GIVEN TIME (but what is """time"" ANYWAY>>>see that's my WHOLE POINT!!!)

THEORY of why this clock is the IDEAL machine for living::::BASIcally if I ever really need to NO the time I already know what HOUR it is anyway. and the minute hand is exactly RIGHT!. Other TIMES I don;t care SO I look at the clock and think WHATEVER - I don't care about TIME its completely IRRELAVANT - TOTAL FREEDOM!!


(by the way I changed the TIME of this post just 4 the HEll of it)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

the ROCKETTES can keep that CRAP!

I just want to tell all yous BELIEVERS and NON-BELIEVERS that Radio City Music Hall is THE WORST PLACE IN THE WORLD, or even new york city, to see music. I went there last night to see a little band i like to call MODEST MOUSE, but i'm not even sure if that's who played because it sounded LIKE TOTAL POOP PEBBLES. if you were my friend, and i wanted to recreate the sound of HISTORIC RADIO CITY MUSIC HALL for you, I'd WRAP THREE T-SHIRTS AROUND YOUR EARS, put a pair of headphones over them, and press play on a PORTABLE MUSIC DEVICE.

Oh, and did i mention that i DROPPED $40 for this poop? WELL, I DID.

sure, i sat in the back of the orchestra section, under the mezzanine, and I'm sure it sounds better in other parts of the room, BUT I DON"T CARE. As far as I'm concerned, the whole place sounds like A DUNG SANDWICH.


Monday, November 08, 2004

metaphor 4 someting? ≥≤

HAS THIS EVER HAPPENED TO YOU?? its just a question ready?

here it is, u are walking down the street and minding your own business, its must business as usual, like the usual business man that you are and you think to yourself JEEZ EVERYTHING IS TOTALLY NORMAL I DON'T THINK THAT ANYTHING COULD GO WRONG. a nd then !!!!!! IT DOES IT GOES WRONG .

you see what you think is a regular person. they are dressed regualr and by ALL of the regualar JUDGEMENT FACTORS they are not homeless or phsychotic. BUT THEN YOU notice taht they are TALKING to themselves. they are screaming and gesticulating and arguing, AND WHERE IS THE OTHER PERSON????? I DON'T SEE THEM!

you may have guessed what is to blame at this point, its the tiny cell phone with built in heaphones, and you know waht?? as far as i am concerned this is just ONE MORE STEP CLOSER to integreating the cell phone with the body. and hence ONE MORE STEP CLOSER TO MAKING MAN INTO A MACHINE. why not just implant the earpeice in the ear, its BASICALLY INVISIBLE allready!! Besides making me think that there are psychos all over, its also sometimes makes me think that they are talkint2 me! and I almost have started talking =bak. LIKE

"waht do you mean about the deals not going throuhg, i don't even know you and WHICH DEAL are you talking aboiut, who the hell are you anyway and WHY aer you have u RANDOMLY SELECTED ME to express your crazy psycho ideas about """"deals""


one more comment, acutallly a suggestion. I wnat to to "FOLLOW THROUGH" like a good man and continue what I started, so here is an idea 4 the 3rd case. I think that the 3rd case could be heiroglyphic in nature, LIKE MANY OF THE GENIUSES online have allready figured out that you can make a SMILY FACE WITH JUST YOUR KEYBOARD!!!!!!!!!!! holy SH∆T..
i would like 2 propose this symbol for a question mark
its like a bigger sideways q mark, also like a pesrohn shrugging.

what do you thinkg---Ω


Saturday, November 06, 2004

taking a backseat to the big douche and the turd sandwich (south park reference)

I am OFFICIALLY not expressing my CONTROVERSIAL political viewpoints on this predominantly BLUE BLOG. that logan is a STRONG ONE and can totally kick my a$$. but as it turns out, my a$$ is already GRA$$ from my 6-block move today. that's right, I moved from ONE SIDE of the highway to THE OTHER. well there was MORE MOVING that occurred PRIOR to this in north jersey, but since it didn't occur in the NYC it was MOST LIKELY IMAGINARY.

THANK THE CLOUDS IN THE HEAVENS I decided to hire movers for today, or I would not have been physically able to get some VITAL STUFF here, like my couch. after my move date changed three times, I went from having a SQUAD OF FOUR friends ready to help to one + dad because the others had to work. no one else came to my rescue, like my one girlfriend who was evidently TOO FRAZZLED OVER THE ELECTION RESULTS to assist. WTF? anyway, the movers were MULTICULTURAL(korea reprazent!) and MAD COOL; they totally earned their keep and KEPT ME ALIVE all day.

on a sidenote, last night I went to a freakin' late HALLOWEEN PARTY IN MONTCLAIR, where I was most successfully dressed as the alluringly psycho GOGO YUBARI from KILL BILL I. so needless to say, this morning I was NOT PLEASED TO WAKE UP AT 7 o'clock in the A.M. to move non-stop until 5 o'clock in the P.M. but in the end, I am happily sitting in my new pad amongst BOXES OF MY $HIT, with no television but to my delight 10 wireless routers at my laptop's BID AND COMMAND. LONG LIVE ALMIGHTY BLUETOOTH!


Friday, November 05, 2004

ONE MORE STEP HIGHER!! jlえあkあpncおwなs

FIRST OF ALL--------------------super exclusive rsbfart is the first to offer you jam 4 the day. THIS TITLE WAS given to me bY a friend of mine: CASAVERDE. AND THEN aNOTHER friend of mine let me post it up at his site,,,,,,,,,SO MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER AND GO TO

next on the international takeover agenda--LETS NO ONE SCREW AROUND ABOUT developing the usage rules for the 3rd cASE. Like shocking sound wave of LETTERS COMING AT YOUR FACE the 3rd case will be a powerfull propoganda tool that must be used for promoting the R IGHT and destroying the WRONG.

4 those of you that don't know - the 3rd case is beyond capitals and Lowercase and reading it is the equivalent to being punched in the stomach. also i want to say that rsbdfart is not overtly political UNLESS IT NEEDS 2 B...

mostly what it is about is life,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT HEY pOLOTIX is part of life NO???????


Thursday, November 04, 2004

People of this Blog - i'm running for Prez

Logan here, resurfacing for a bit of commiseration and let's admit it, I have to marvel at the finer turns of this young country. If a Blog was originially a fine term for a block of cheese, what used to be what we now call an Election?
Rocky, Kojak, my apologies: I hail from Missouri and even the nether regions where W stickers abound and gay is still an insult . What's wrong is that no one there in the 'heart' land ever really identified with Kerry, he's "eastern" and threatening (because he's 'foreign', DC elite etc), as provincial as it sounds, its not actually that much different from the way we feel threatened by their view of the world. That is, I sure as hell don't like to align myself with the likes of my Springfield neighbors--hence, I don't ever plan to move back. Besides they (pentacostal c's, or even hard core c's) don't even count Catholics are Christians (no joke). Possibly it has to do with a certain amount of education and contact with "other" people (non-midwesterners). But come on, only about 20-30 percent of Americans are churchgoers--why is it that we've given about 4 million CF's power to dictate? I think the whole moral values shit is more shit than stat. (For example, my parents are liberal/democratic Christians--there's got to be 4m of those in the reds). There's also got to be a large group of midwesterners that isn't particularly pious but nonetheless feels Bush represents them better, cause he's just a simple, conservative, humble dude. People only seem to vote for who they think is most like them or they like most.
Which brings me to an important question: is Bush better looking than John Kerry? Personally I kind of like the long face better than the smirky face, the cut of a windsurfer better than that of a baseball player. Which brings me to suggestions for the next election: why not have some contest of physical mettle? Let's face it, if we're going to concede to an entertaining media, couldn't it be truly entertaining? none of this 'debate' crap, where they just rehearse their tired lines and 'burn' each other and give the same damn speeches over and over. Shouldn't we let them show off who they really are, their talents and creativity? Then we could really see who gets to be the man...
Then there's the basic fact that people who live in red states just don't think the trappings of easternness , or westernness, are cool, enviable, or admirable. loafers and blazers? not cool.
apartment when you could have a house? not cool. spending money on things you can't get anywhere else? not that cool. Hey , what's the difference between morals and values anyway? What happens when you put them together?
But don't despair: I have thought up a few tips for those of us who spent the third of November in a fog of disappointment and disbelief and who don't care to envision the next weeks or years. But to get ahead we need to think long term, and i mean like LONG TERM. I say, if we each have four or five kids within the next 4 years (fertility drugs recommended), we could get a leg up on the larger families in the midwest, the mormons, what have you. But that's not enough. Then, we need to firmly establish ourselves within Red states. Kojak you must return to Ohio and make Democrats!!!! Or we could establish a commune of sorts in the Ozarks, thus covering some of Arkansas, some of Kansas, some of Mo, and populate and convert. I say in 18 years those red states could look different. Forget about CA, forget about Chicago, forget about NY and NJ and DC--it's no longer cool. In fact it's no longer even properly American! We should learn to be less tolerant of our neighbors and more demanding that they think like we do. Did you know that in the town i grew up, when Community talk became the new thing for civic govt to focus on, there was a huge hulaballoo over whether "Tolerance" should be include among the official list of the community's values???
My other idea, even sneakier, is that we should ALL join the Republican Party!!! then we could fuck up all sorts of things, the fervent red rallies and polls and stats all at once... if one of us was really slick, he or she could run for office as a "Republican" and then have a "change of heart" once in office. Or we could run just to lose, always a sporty tactic. It's not an uncommon existence, pretending to be something you never will be--just look at Mr. O'Reilly.
I think it'd be fitting if we just refused to acknowledge the word 'bush' anymore. That is, if you hear someone talking about "Bush" on the subway, make sure to say loudly, WHO? Who is that? some reality TV show guy? never heard of fact, from now one I have to write it "B+_***&" or simply B---- . or just *&$%@! There are no more '*&^$#es, only trees.
And you know, with 18 years ahead of us and our bourgeoning families, that gives us ample time to devlop the SUPERCASE. Just imagine if the democrats had had the special text whose power is unheralded and its printing convinces ANYONE, we've got no time to lose. I'm so TIRED or writing in UPPERCASE, my GOD, I wish some kind of something would come in to the world and SAVE US ALL. One last tip: if you really want to wonder what's good about America, and why government is never what you want it to be, go see Hearts and Minds, the peter davies documentary. Even better, see it on election day. Fellow Dems/"Repubs", the future is waiting....I'm going where the red is....

logan undercased is disbelief

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

the ONLy thing worth noting from LASTNITE

I heard a PUNDIt say that there were some PROBLEMS at """"RANDOM""""" voting places in OHIO


(& I'm not gonna take IT)


People of the United States: What the F*K are you thinking

Whats up with all those red states. DO I EVEN KNOW THESE PEOPLE? WHAT IS THE DEAL? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY? I am glad that this blog has the potential to be international, because I may need to start blogging from somewhere esle: LIKE SOME OTHER, SMARTER COUNTRY.

A big WTF to the US man. At LEAST I know that the states that me and kojak hail from represented. see the THING IS I don't even feel like I am being controversial with this.

WhO Out THER IS Happy??

