Thursday, June 30, 2005

jokers Haus

just Joshing. They are all my girlfriend. Just kidding, we're still friends right? What I want to speak bout today:∆∆∫ is prose not hos. Just joking are you mad at me?
Its moving season. Everyone's a moving and people are trying to find out where they are going to live. I am leading the migration movement out of my house. First me and then the cockaroaches will follow. Which leads me to the wheelindeelin landlord people. They are SoOoOo weirt. Some of them TRY to be your friend and some of them TRY to be ALL SLICK. and some of them TRY to tell you that you will never see anything better than their sorry assssed place. HA. I am moving into a palace on a hill overlooking all of brooklyn. It will be beautiful and you will want to take a tour

rocky Dynamic

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

windshield wildlife - APT mepta4???

I'm usually not a driver of motor carriages...built recently have been. In all Irony, I actually drove a TRuck into town to buy a sticker that tells everyone how opposed to GAS powered vehicles I am. THe slogan is great - i won't be revealed here but probably on my back -pack where all U SUV drivers can C it! (burned)!!

1 of the many environmental travesties caused by drriving is all the LIFE you run down on the roadways. At this time of year out in the COUNTRY where I've been resting BUGS are what I've been smashing. Mostly U don;t think it matters b/c you just assume that its always a mohito mosquito thats been squahed - No big loss - I doubt U even bother to inspect the species on the CROME_GRILLE when you get to your destination or look closely before hitting the SPray option on the WIPERS.

All this changed 4 me when some bugs sent out a CRy 4 help that hit me on a emotional level. No it wasn't the loudest bug AKA CICADA ***(@@@@)***but the childhood favorite LIGHTINING BUG ~~~~** . The punch line is when I smashed them they lit up the windshield with a green Glow - THE BEAUTY OF NATURE - and it wasn't voluntary or to attract a MATE but kind-of by hostile force which is just not right.


ps if that is 2 strong for the readers then maybe try something like barny's I luv u blog

Monday, June 27, 2005

where in BLexico?

I;ve been hearing a lot about how people aren't "ABLE" to read this blog anymore because of certain "religious", "philosophical", "moral", or "temporal" issues they have with it. Well let me tell you somethihng. YOU BETTER START READING THIS BLOG BEFORE IT STARTS READING YOU.


Friday, June 24, 2005


Here is something for the crime busters on the news. I made this realization while I was eating yesterday. This is the problem, no matter what type of food or drink substance you may order from a bodega or store or burrito shop, you will notice that the vendor will ALWAYS GIVE YOU THE INCORRECT NUMBER OF NAPKINS. For example yesterday, I got THE MESSIEST burrito you have ever laid hands upon, and what did they give me to wipe the endless endless slop off of my face? 2 tiny tiny napkins that are the size of a playing card. Now say I go to the store and order a coca cola... well the shop keeper will give me a veritable stack-full of really nice 4 play family syle napkins to go with the drink. Does he think I am that clumsy that I will spill everywhere? I worry about landfills and everything you know, thats part of my whole MO. But when I am in a bathroom I will also give myself a dispraportionate amount of paper handtowels, just cuz I can, sometimes. Maybe its just human nature to screw up with napkin amounts


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

What does tommorow hold in store for TodAY_?

Tommorow I may be receiving some Cow))))boy boots?

One of the things that I have attempted to do since returning from the PDX. is to maintain A highly irregular schedule. This was prompted by the "red eye" Flite. Speakeing of the redeye, there is a movie with a scary dude with ONE RED EYE on a plane. ((Sounds a little 2 perfect DONt it?)) and on the subject of movies I'd like to give a shout to me and you and everyone we know for using internet and computer drawlings
::''"";;::: ((<<))
and on the subject of publicity in general I would like to give a shout to LIFE AND STYLE magazine becuase it confirmed my aching suspicion that indeed STRIPES R IN and there are many actresses dawning stripes to prove it.

Enough sidetracking. An irregular schedule leads to a more examined life, and As PLATO says, Examing life is worth doing. For example I was told about a great cure for depression. It goes like this. Stay up for a whole nite and don't go to sleep. The chemicals in your brain are reset. RIGLEYS TRUTH. not to say I am depressed, but I AM taking advantage of nontraditional relationships to the sun rising and falling. You know, in a way its really liberating. Like Liberacci. Who knows how long it could last though? Probably only about a few more days until I start hallucinating and thinking that there are bugs ALL OVER ME.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005

not 2 try 2 compete but: 1st time i saw a BEAR

The say many a great MInd expanding personal growth type experience can happen on vacaction

%%this is truly the time of year to teach OLD DOGS (I hear the average age on the internet is now 13 =1/4 of [me + rocky]!!) some things. its highly ironical B/c my folks jsut got a very young dog AKA RObbie the super-Qte puppy!

My and the bRO were out teaching the new dog (ROBBIE) the trick called walking onthe Retractable leash ~~~~~~~~~~>>o. Thats when I had my brand new experience. I saw something at a neighborhing homestead (RUral areas) and I said what is that big funny dog doing then I realived it was a BEAR.

I won;t make that mistake again - it could really cost an ARM and a leg. for example if I tried to "make-nice" and pet it.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005


I did it I barfed in front of my WHOLE family. Mom dad, brother, sister, grandma, two uncles, and uncles work friends. Actually I barely managed to put a pick up truck between them and me. It was becuz my Grandma's birthday party was so raging taht I drank about 9 types or genres of alcohol. When I wandered out from behind there and asked for the key to the wash room from about 20 feet away, All my family was stairing at me in HORROR. I just made a double thumbs up and they all laughed PhewSY. I swear to you that was the BEST hung over xperience I ever had. afterword we went to a really cool indie style breakfast lunch diner in Portland, and we had this pretty young waitress. And I thought TO my self EVERYTING IS OK. Hey kids you can do anyting you want to when you are 26 SO OLD


Tuesday, June 07, 2005

ANIMAL PLANET from Ukrainian

Here is a list of animal life forms what I saw in my Nature Bikeride of Portland Trail Blazing:
Turtle: sitting on log in pond
Rabbit: hopping into tall grasses
Snake: being carried by a man walking the opposite direction as me
sheep: grazing when I went by one way, and on the way back GONE
horses: nothing to say
Cats: Trying to play it cool.

You may notice my recent trend in animal loving. Its part of a whole plan that I and the rest of our generation is doing to honor their childhoods. Just like everyone wore those ATARI tshirts to give props to their teenage years.. I am travelling farther back. Back to the time when I would like to set up many plastic animals in rows for showing to people. This is what I had in mind when I recently divided a bunch of animal flash cards into GOOD and EVIL animals. Sounds funny, but its serious. And it fueled a lot of discourse. For expample: TIGER: good or evil? some questions are tough. On the whole I would say a good toy for kids is one that leaves some interpretation left to the kid. Wooden building blocks: constructive. Rubber Freddy Krueger mask: stupid


ps I was also hanging out with ukranians, they have some cool way of expressing like
"Don't embarass, just eat" and
"You broke me what I was going to say"

Friday, June 03, 2005

challenge 2 da CONSTITUTION

hi! does anyone here actually know what CONSTITUTION means? - on the 1 hand it is the most boring, TOURISTIC street in Washington DC but there are several other important definitions. . . a good friend of mine once told me about how the RUSSIANS use the term. They don't abide by a paper document (BTW who remebers the RSBF parchment style???) but they're more concerned with a person's PhYSICAL constitution which roughly translates as a LIFE FORCE.

My life force has recently been LO <<<<< cuz i've been working too hard - but that's a topic that SHANT B discussed here. LEts just say that I am still facing an ORAL INTERROGATION but afterwards will b free to hang out - like for example in PDX w/ rocky .

I actually think the phsyical constitution was so OUT-O-WAK it even ruined my cell phone .... U can ask many-a-person who tried to call me up - - on the hand I'LL leave u with this quotataion:

"U can ask the people that I chill with
I can't be stopped by a physical ailment"


Thursday, June 02, 2005

Its allready June, Soon it will be winter AGAIN

and I am NOT spending another winter in new york. I won't do it, it just damages my whole mood to severely. I heard from a reliable news source today that Brad Pitt is from Springfeild MO. So you know what, I just booked a plane ticket and I think I will go take a look at that town and see if I can get some pointers from THE WORLDS SEXIEST MAN. Coincidentally I have some friends (that you may know from this online journal) Logan and her man, that are making marriage NUPTIALS on the hallowed day of JUNE 4. Some of the wedding-goers may be wondering what is the signigicance of doing the NUPTIAL ceremony EXXXXXaxTCLY 1(one) month(s) before July 4. Do they mean to say that their marriage will be stronger than the constitution? I think so. And I think they will uphold the values of all of the aforementioned institutions mentioned above to the utmost degree. I AM GOING 2 CRY
