Tuesday, November 30, 2010

BADDDD AAAAASSS§¶•ª¨¥∫˜∞SSSSSS knife slicer

Have you ever seen a bad a*&*()(^&%$s knife like this? We invested in a knife of NIKIRI style (THIS EXACT MODEL TO BE PRECISE) because in our household there is no need to slice animal meat from dead bonez. Hence all we need is chopping precision and this Freaking thing is The Bomb Dogity. It costed many US $$dollars. However It will last for at least one of many karma lives.

For all the web users out there that were wondering about my HAIRSYtyle these days it is in the manner of a samurai and now I hve the ninjistu knife to prove it.

WATCH OUT VEGGIES! you will be cleanly and properly dealth with. With the minimum of effort and maximum of performance in tools

ROCKY "hai"!!! Dynamic

PS i found a way to take it back to the old school! with the stylez of the blog. THIS IS THE an old classic shout out to the days of yore!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sunday, November 28, 2010

the faceb**k movie

I just a saw a film about what can go wrong while you conquer the internet. A couple key lessons learned where that ads are not cool and that you should always stay true to your founding parters. For example I kojak would never sell rocky down the river for more fame or fortune and that is what makes this blog great. Also the founders of this blog at least try not be total jerks to girls women and everyone else and that might set us apart from the rest. And we met at a different university not HARVARD

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

it snowed

in case you have not been following other news sources I would like to state for the record that :
IT SNOWED IN SEATTLE BEFORE THANKSGIVING - minor chaos ensued.....kojak

Thursday, November 18, 2010

official rsbf tshirt designs

ok this needs some work, but its a start for merchandizing and MILKING THIS CASH COW. rsbffffffffart


Monday, November 15, 2010

"reading room" now officially an ANACHRONISM

I'm chillin right now in one of my fave workplaces: The CEntral Public Library "Reading Room." By fave I mean it has some good quality's but by no means perfect. Contrary to the name it is not quiet and almost no one is reading a book. There is a lot of laptops, conversations (cell phoney and otherwise), and youtubes. kind of sad if you are the SENTIMENTAL QUIET TYPE... Maybe its because Seattle is a new town without the grand traditions of an NYC library or a Parisian biblioteca. But maybe it is the same there now too???????????????kojak

Friday, November 05, 2010

Nanook of the NORTH

I am thinking about watching Nanook of the North. I WONDERR if I SHOULD I DO IT?
expecially cuz its been sitting here for like 2 months and my Netfliix accnt in probably Stalled THE hel out! Yes maybe I will watch it