Friday, December 31, 2004

SHADY business (new years resolutions)

SO I've been hanging around with "FAMILY" alot OF LATE and 1 thing that often comes up in that type of a discussion setting is different stuff for the HUMBLE Household AND than maybe where it was PURCHASED (if not homemade) <- [ recommended by RSBF!! ]..
Theres 1 store where which is EPONYMOUS to this post - YES U guessed it its called SHADY BUSINESS ! and "no what??" they sell LAMPSHADES.....
˙ˆ˚˚˚˚˚˚ that brings me to the RESOLUTIONS
First of all, its only a matter of time before they make a store called by Sum COmbination of random, sketchy, AND/OR brainfart. After all there is alreay ANTROPOLOGY and I think METAPHYSICS so alot of important concepts seem to be getting UTILIZED in some "SHADY" ways. Therefore, I resolve to ask the RSBF CREW the following: "should we ESTABLISH the freakin store first or just wait for someone else 2 then SUE them????

Next RESOLUTION: BLOG MORE (I'm really sorry about this PEOPLE :::(((((

LAst REsolution: FIGURe out ways 2 help human BEINNGS and other life forms to LIVE LIFE - even if its indirectly... THis is a tough one but the most IMPORTANT thing is that it not be VICE VERSA : to paraphrase someone on a CD that rocky lent once: "EVERYONE STAY ALIVE IN THE '05 AND NOT DIE"


wearing Sunglasses in airport

JEEX if you ever want to look like a criminal here is some advice. WEHR YOUR SUNGLASSES IN AN AIRPOrt and then when you go thru the thing keep your computer on IN SLEEP MODE and it will set off ALARmz. ANd then travel to new york on New Years EVE. can there Be anything more suspicious. R U Ready for NEW YEERs???

I am::: I have a bottle of champagne in my carry on and if I GET STUCK IN traffic on the way. I AM GOING to

™™™™™™™™™™™™™™POP THE TOP™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™™


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Update From DreamState

HERE in NM I am dreaming a bit more. FOR EXAMPLE: I had this dream that I was working on some project at work and my boss said to revise and then he said, just forget the whole thing and then I SAid something to the effect of cursing him OUT and walked off and then i REALIZed that I better Quit, before i get fired

and then i wallked HOMe but my aprtment was not where it usually is, IN fact the WHOLE building was across the street, and it was ONTOP of the building accross the street , someone told me it was cuz they Were filming a movie where i lived.

And then i saw one of my old teachers and She was waving a flier in the air. and SHe said ROCKY you supported this DIDN"T YOU = YOU WENT TO THIS PLAY _ this is against everything we stand for here and I said Damn rite i Did. ANd then i though GOD i am REALLY gonna get fired now.! and then i think we made out

More dreams too, can't remember, but I THINK I MITE BE GETTING IN TOUCH WITH MY SUBCONCIOUS /

I would like to send all love to SE asia


Friday, December 24, 2004


That guy is such a JOKER. I am going to LAKE WO_blow THE FRE***K UP gone. He is the most inane LAME, BRAIN DEAD wak ASS out there. I saw his tired ass ON charly ROSES LST nite, g*SH intolerable his voice OH lord its like strangling!. THERE IS ALMOST NOTHING IN THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLANET THAT INCITES AS MUCh HATRED AN ANGER IN ME AS GARRISON KEELOR - except FOr possibly TOM petty.

Maybe I am so crothcety cuz everyone just strate UP LEFT ME TO FEND 4 myself today and went to tHERe MAGIC familyLands. Well guess what i am LEaving 2morow SO THERe

PEACE ON eartH!!!


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Hello nice snowlakes

I have recently been AFUERA from where I usiauly look at the computer and then I blank plane OFFORTGOTTEN that it even existed but i read all the blogs that i had missde about joe and the other nice snowflakes and of their idienty. But waht i wasreally thinging is that when you feel all jumb;led and ratpants kriznoppling disturbed in su cuerpo or su mind. then you just makd some time in your self to let those jumlbe messes crystalize into beautiful snowflakes. even if you cant see them they may sitll be existing in a place that your eyes dont see.. (parallel universes may be less than centimeteres awya)
the song is "if only you believe like i believe baby" but the singer is refering to romance not to imAGINARY REAL snoe flacs.
anyways i told rocky about my green suspenders which he said to BLOG ON . and i have been wearing them and i like them so until you see someone with green suspenders you wont know which the sita pants theyar e attached to
happy22nd of decemb.

Uf Mein Eyez!!!

yesterday was THE company party, and MANY hilarious Antics ensued UNDOUBTABLY. A whole LOT of getting wasted AND drinking shots out of a trophy? BBOOOOOYA. I would like to tell yu about the "HOLIDAY SPIRIT" and how My theory about how it is based in New York and exported ellsehweres. Or maybe its a product oF the "corporatE" america. NOT THAT THERE"S anything wrong with that, Cuz i am not just talkin about the spending and What not; like i did a few days ago. I AM TALKING, people. ABOUT THE SPIRIT. I think THE SPIRIT is a bit like the seasonal or SpiRitual equivalent to alcoholization;


don't fite over the xmas turkey and I hope you didn't fite over the Matzoh ball soup and I really hope you don't fite over the yams and what not.

OH GOD I JUST THOUGHT OF SOMEHTING. If you haven't heard there is a new "Stylish" holdiday called Krispica (which is obviously a combo hoilday). BytheWay that name MAKES ME WANT TO CHUKE MY BRAINS OUT. anyway i heard it was famous cuz they celebrated it on the OC or something.


Tuesday, December 21, 2004

christmas time is HERE

logan is twirling about in the space where it _really_ lives, that is, outer. I feel I can safely reveal my extra-worldly identity without revealing any of the life threatening secrets that accompany my lifestyle. how did i miss this 75 USD blowout night of PUNK DOOOOM. ? oh, i was flying (i mean walking) down conselya st -- where there are live elves i am not kidding if you can take the 3rd case and make it ELF and REINDEER and XMAS OTHERS you know what to expect when you see CONSELYA st at this time of year. which reminds me that someman recently pointed out how weirdly sad all xmas tv specials are, like the elf in the old rudolph not really claymation one, who wishes he were a dentist. i bet there are alot of dentists out there wishing to be elves. which reminds me i wanted to propose a blogover - pink is really a very corporate color after all isn't it? why not black background w/ green? after all the infiltrations and ridiculous identity talk I recommend first the blogover and FINALLY AT LONG LAST RENEWED RESEARCH into the 3RD CASE, the SUPER, the PUNCHINTHESTOMACH WHOMP way to git your message across, over and out. ?! wir mussen uns schutzen. pass auf !


due to recent crises the following shrot message will b IN CODED WITH SECRECSY::

the gnu year "april May" bring a knew HOPE.
but don't u let ***THE MAN**** tel ewe ˆh¶o•w'
to "William Tell" thyme.

(buNdlEd UP))))))))))))))

Sunday, December 19, 2004

SECRET santa reveals SECRETS

wow I feel like this is an END OF the season spectular on the RsBFART- kind of like sometimes on TV like SUPERBOWLS - (everyone is psyched and READERS are writing in and people are trying to PREDICT what will happen next )

so I' d like to UNRavel the plot a little more ˙ˆ˙ˆˆ∆˜øˆ∆¬˚∆ˆ∆¬ˆ - like on Xfiles when the found out that SCULLy was really a alien life form.

So basically what ROCKY said about real names is TRUE!!! my real name is KOJAK TRIGINOPOLAS
........its LITHUANIAN

also, several people have contacted us about people saying to them "hey kojak that was a brilliiant blog" and they just play it off and say "thanks" but NO ONE really knows who we really R.

ALSo the RSBF NETWORK is impossible to pin down in actuality. I have a friend who Knows alot about HACKING & get this: someone set up a computer in the middle of the wilderness and turned in on and WITHIN 4 MINUTEs some hackers took control of the computer. THis is the kind of stuff we could do if we have 2....
DON't FORGET 3rd CASE ∆¥˙†©©˚∆˚ - its a new langauge that can reach the INTERNET without a computer...EVEN IF WE WERE LOCKED DOWN we could send out 3rd case using a LIGHT SWITCH and a BROKEN FLOURESCENT LIGHT BULB.........˙øˆˆ˚øˆ˚˚ø˚øø˚˚ø˚øø˚


Friday, December 17, 2004


btw thats kojak's saying above, but i thought it mite be appropriate to describe what happened to me last nite. I guess it would be something I say TO GOD or to NEW YORK CITY. I apologize to all of our young readers that had to be exposed to that explitive, but i am serious when i say::: SOMETIMES YOU REALLY CAN'T EXPRESS YOURSELF UNLESS YOU USE CAPITAL LETTERS AND CURSE WORDS

this is the Story i got 100 bux from mr. ATM. and i woke up this morning and guess how much i have now---Ω
25 bucx so let me do a little break down for you. HERe we go ;;SCHOOL 101

100 dollars of UNITED STAtes CURrency
- XXX dollars of that VERY SAME CURRENCY
25 BUX (same as dollars - just another word)))

hint: don't forget to "carry" the 1. The answer will be revealed next week

I won't go into how i spent all that money. but i will complain about it ALL DAY TO EVERYONE I MEET. I hope you can TAKE IT!!!!!!!! if you meet me today (your gonna heare about it)


Thursday, December 16, 2004

punk rock SABBATICAL!

crazy cats of the RANDOM SKETCHY sphere,

I'm back from an enlightening sabbatical with some nyc PUNK ROCKERS. what did I research during my sabbatical, do you ask? let me break it down into laymen's terms. I analyzed the SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATE of the L.E.S., the joys of ENDLESS free beer, and the ART OF CHAOS. with a focus on the last item. our chaos research included doing ROCK 'n' ROLL KICKS IN THE MIDDLE OF A PACKED BAR, talking to EVERYONE on the streets about RANDOM and sometimes SKETCHY subjects, making out in bathrooms to keep the kids from doing drugs, getting $1 lapdances from EXECUTIVE PEOPLE, & knocking over TALL GLASSES OF WATER (mostly onto ourselves). I don't believe I've gotten so many DIRTY LOOKS from fellow bar-goers in one year as I did in just ONE NIGHT OF PUNK ROCK! I am at most times a polite individual, who says 'excuse me' and 'thank you' even in the rowdiest of bars. but I was there for the sake of some RADICAL REAL RESEARCH, so I did what needed to be done in the name of the RADICAL and the REAL.


p.s. - to the rude dude from SF: ROCKY was born ROCKY. I was there when it happened.





A few gift suggestions from someone who "NOSE".

for the young OR THE YOUNG AT HEART:::: TOYZ

FOR THE OLD or the weary:::: a book or a warm balnket

FOR THat ""CRAZY OLD AUNT THAT WON"T STOP KISSING YOU??""""" a flyswatter!!!!!!!!!

4 YOUR FAMILY::::::: LOTS OF LUV __________________CAPITAL "L" "U" "V"

some people question(?) THE SYSTEM and they say Y BUY when I can show THE LOVE by making these things. Sita Pants is ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE:: you may have seen this person's HAND MADE CRAFTS adorning my head RECENTLY. and you probably complimented me on it CUZ IT RULEZ.

4 those of us WHO LIVE INSIDE OF A BIG APPLE its almost UNHEARD OF TO ""make"" prezents cuz we have so many great items at our finger tips. BUt ITS REALLY SOMTHING TO CONSIDER,,,, maybe U could take some trash and RAT SKELETONs and make a DECORATIVE BROCHE


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

most uncormfortable Moment of the good year blimp

here is a great way to make someone feel quite uncomFortable. Its very simple. All you have to do is just start singing to them and jsut look them right in the eye and just KEEP ON SINGING. When someone does this to me there is NO POSSIBLE THING YOU CAN DO TO MAKE YOURSELF NOT UNCOMFORTABLE. Theyre jsut looking at you and singing and unless you want to join in a harmonius DUET. (Which is NOT my personal STyle) You can jsut sit there and look away or look at them and try to just grit your teeth and GRIN and BEAR it. On the other side they can DO whatever they want, they can just REALLY HAM IT UP!@! GET REALLY into their song and get really thespian style act in out Get REALL passionate with their eyes. and YOU are POWERELESS as long as they continue to Look DEEP INTO YOUR SOUL (thru your eyes)

I think my next PLAN of axion will be to just to HONK THEIR NOSE and that mite get them to STOP IT, just let me go !!!



Saturday, December 11, 2004

how 2 communicate w/ ANIMAL life

I have a couple TRIX i somtimes use to conversate with animals. Not really on the level of debate on ABSTRACT TOPIX but more just like a general BACK and FORTH (tet-a-tet :::a la francaise)
Dig if you will the picture:::I was reading a book at my local CAFE - everyone knows its the PLACE for the most intelligent life around. Next thing you know someone brought in a CUTE DOG to order their coffee with them. It was either a PUPPY or just a small dog like a JACk russel. SO I started tapping my toe really discreatly - using a style that the people didn;t notice but the dog did. Actually it got so HAPPY it just about started freaking out. It barked and JUMped UP and people were like WTF (?!?) - - THEY DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THAT WE WERE CONVERSATING.

Friday, December 10, 2004

the other life

sometimes i think we are aliens when we sleep. all that life i live while my eyes are closed -- i kill people , ( ha ha ha), i see other people killed, i engage in all kinds of DRAMA never known to me in the day time. in my dreams i get married again and again. what is happening here? no, i will not listen to freud, who was an alien who was a good storyteller. what i am curious about is how would we draw aliens today, aside from the visages of those IN POWER? remember when martians were always green? did you know green is the color of hope? why green? why not purple? a purple robot cockroach.
so i just watched The ARt and Science of Aquarium Maintenence on and i am wondering how mr rocky de grieve got to be wes anderson before wes anderson was ??? WA w/ perhaps , even, more , 'serious' themes ? when is the full motion picture feature coming out, Implausibot ? ? ?
i have a friend named ryan powers and oftentimes i think we should all just change our last name to Powers. day and night, powers.

Lo to the G A N . (if there were a certain ping pong tournament in January, ,i would totally be in training so i could win that thing to the shame shock and appalation of all ping pong pros)

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


All this talk about ALIENS makes me remember some of the "HI QUALITY"" conversations I had in the UnderGraduate Years of MY life. Seeing as how most of the people who read this blog are most likely on their SECONDARY OR TERTIARY Levels of schooling, these old conversations may seem like OLD NEWZ but let me assure you THEY are NOT. Lets talk for a moment about the possibility of creating a ROBOT COCKROACH, this is something that me and little Black were discussing the other day. In his professional opinion. ITS IM POSSI BLE. but I tend to dissagree. Now I am not talking about no Remote controlled Cockroach either, i mean a traditional metal transformer style cockroach. Well as you can allready tell from the copious amounts of scientific evidence I've given you that a debate like this COULD LAST 4 EVA. at least until we see robot cockroaches infesting our food supplies.

But Heres the more important questions::::::::::::::::::::Y R Peeps So concerned with other "intelligent" life. Lets talk for a while about the YEARS OF COMPETITION AND JEALOUSY that humans had with THE APES. or the ULTIMATE FEARthat people have that Alienz may or may not have allready infiltrated the govern,ment and are trying to continue a useless war with IRAQ. or perhaps that eerie way that dolphin will look at you whil you are Swiimming and then IT WILL ATTACK ESPECCIALLY IF YOU ARE PREGGARS OR OTHERWISE KNOCKED UP :)

So why then? GENERAL INSECURITY? pride and teh HOPE THAT if there was an INTERSPECIAL INTER-AUTONOUMOUS LIFE form Sack race between monkeys Dolphins, robot cockroaches, people and, aliensz. that SOME HOW *WILL Ferile* mite intervene and Help TOMMY LEE jonez create some sort of "Magic Sack" that would help us Cheat and Win. Thus showing all other autonoumous life and non life formz THAT OUI R THA BizEst


Monday, December 06, 2004

Whats your perspective on ALieN LiFe forMS?

I was reading a HIGHly enlightening "SA" about SPACE aliens from OTHER PLANETS. The more I think about it the more I think: "PEOPLE should consider this carefully in realtion to their DAILY LIVEs" - including all the details but this time maybe in a new PERSPECTIVE in light of something different. %~~~%% BASICALLY some thoughts 1 TIME 4 YOUR MIND.

I feel like EVERYONE thinks about the possiblility of an EXTRA_TERRESTRIAL VISITation by other INTELLIGENT BEINGS. But one person to the next, there might be differnet ways of thinking.
%%%%%%%%%%%let me explain%%%%%%%%
first of all you might think that OTHER PLANETS AND THEIR PEOPLE would B A GOOD OPPURTUnity to TRY TO B OUR BEST. For example, we might want to get along with each other so the ALIeNS think humans are a good species. And if that didn't work WE could always convcince the ALIENS that some of us a REASONABLE so we go and join the NEW SPECIES somewhere else and be RID of the worst problems of EARTh (For example SUN RA actually built a SPACESHIP 2 DO this(!)).
~````````````BUT~~~~there are others who ALWAYS think that its ALL about KILLING the aliens to make sure they don't ruin EARTH. Even though some might think that life here CAN REALLY SUCk (hello! doesn;t everyone sometimes!) it must be better than anything an OUTER SPACES SPECies could come up with. well I don't quite agree - I HAVEN"T seen any aliens but if THEY came here they MIGHT HAVE A DEEP KNOWLEDGE and new philosopies we could try out/ /
/// for example, did you know that the first INTERRACCIAL KISS on TV was instigated by the ALIENS OF STAR-TREK and it gave MLK alot of his ideas? Its true, they had the KNOWLEDGE to stand up 2 the system
%) <- what an alien happyface looks like

Soccer Ball CompanionSHIP

JUST YESTERDAY, me and Mr. SoccerBall spent more time together than we have in a long time. Its good to get in touch with some OLd Friends, Like Mr. SoccerBall and LITTLE BLACK who is out from San Fran. Let me just DEtail A bit of teh action that Mr. Soccerball was able to experience Just yesterday.

He woke up around 5:15 AM and had to just sit around and WAIT there for me and LITTLE BLACK to get up (AAROUND 11A) SO I M pretty shure he was really bored, and then he had to wait EVEN MORE, while some stuf went down like EATING BANANA PANCAKES AND UNLOADING A BRAND SPANKING NEW DONATED PINPONGTABLE ON THE STREET. after all taht was done, Mr. SoccerBall was ready. First what happened was Mr. ROomate kicked Mr. Soccerball FULL FORCE INTO THE FRONT DOOR. he bounced back and slammed a chair OK just warmin up! now its time for ROCky and Mr Roomate to try to distract LITTLE BLACK while he is tryin 2 talk on his cell phone by kicking Mr. SB into each other NOTE: A NARROW CLOSE CALL FOR A BEAUTIFULL CAT FOOD DISH AND MUCH FLYIING INSIDE. Allrite lets Go outside.

So now we are going to the park. its about a good 20 blocks away. And I AM talking new York City Blocks. So we dribbled and kicked Mr. SB all the Way THERE.RUNNING UP TEH STREET !! OFF OF BUILDINGS WHAM!!!! INTO CARS POW tHRU INTERSECTIONS, we didin't EVEN stop to look for Traffik !!!! F(*k it they can get our of OUR way Right MR. SOCCERBALL?? rite. Then POW I kicked Mr. SB High into the Sky and he bounced off of a wall (boink) and then BANG landed on the roof of a cheesy little square car inside of which a little old lady was sitting. She made a SPASMODIC GESTURE like there was BEE IN HER UNDERWEAR and them She opened the door of her car and said ""WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU??" but we were allready .5 blocks away running with Mr SB. finally got to the park and met upwith others.

NOW mr SoccerBall got to do a little Lo Key RELAXATION IN THE FORM OF HACKY SACK STYLE JUGGLING btw Logan (the great writer) and "M_stylin" (the great philosopher) was there. then we took Mr SB out to food and THEN We decided he was AS COOL AS A PERSON so we decided to take him to "THE HOUSE OF FLYING DAGGERS" in which there were flying beans, flying dirt clods, flying swords, flying people, and yes FLYING SOCCERBALLZ!!!!!#$^&@*$ (JK). I was so excited to be watching this film that I kept bounicing Mr. SoccerBall off the back of the head of the guy that was sitting in front of me. JustK again GOD!

then we took him to a bar where he LOOKED OUT OF A WINDOW onto the city B_low. FINALLY he was tired and I took 2 my work where he sits TO THIS DAY. I think He may still B tired


Friday, December 03, 2004

SpiRalz of inSANiTiy)_(

What UP?

man do you ever go into SPIRALZ OF INSANITY?? What I am talking about specificallly is the folloWING: say (just HYPOTHETICSALLY) not reality OK> say that you are saying goodbye to someone and you are feeling a bit miffed. Like maybe you aren't totally satisfied with the way that goodbye went and then, say you are at a party. and then you are like Well i will just go out and try to find that person again and say goodbye again AND THIS TIME IT WILL BE BETTER@ but then BIG SURPRISE!!! you can't find them. so you decide to, say, just give them a call at, say 2 in the morning, to tell them JEE that was a wacky goodbye we just had. SO you call, and they don't pick up, and then you are thinking, maybe they just didn't pik up so you call again. NOW ITS 2 IN THE MORNING AND YOU JSUT CALLED SOMEONE 2X AND they didn't pk up. Can't be a good thing. So you are so preoccupied with it that you decide to maybe call them up at 835 am the next morning, GOOD IDEA??? i think no. Cuz they are obviosly sleeping. Now imagine this, they pik up the phone and hang up.OOF what the hell do you do now, all becuz you were feeling a bit miffed. kind of silly rite? today moral and life lesson?? You know what I cant tell you cuz I don't know how that 'HYPPOTHETICAL' ;I SItuation ends.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rx Rx ~~medecine - sometimes in WORKS!

IF U havent't heard from ME in a while::::MAY-B ITS CUZ MY HEAD FELT LIKE IT WAS going 2 EXPLODE
<($#%$#^%& :( >
U know how sometimes in an airplane you Prentend 2 B chewing GUM (or maybe really chew some JUICY_FUIT!!) to try to ""POP YOU"RE EARS"". I did that when "JETTING" around the country over THNXGIVIN but it totally did'nt work.
NO what????? My HEAD got somehow infected - maybe with POISONOUS AIR from other passengers - and it really SUX.

HAve U heard of the so called "GERM THEORY OF DISEASE" ???? - probably yes, but you might not want to believe in it too much! ALSO DO U believe in the SCIENTIFICAL power of MODERN medicine??? I think the SAME APPLIES - 4 example don;t believe the hype about """do you ever feel unhappy? - WELL WE HAVE A PRODUCT FOR YOU"" In light of current events its totally obvious that MEDICAL MARIJUANA is only illegal cuz U can grow it yourself 4 FREE!!!

But back to my own issues I took a PILL and I feel ""PRETTY GOOD"" - now I am once agian a productive memeber of the BLOGGING COMMUNITY and society as a whole................
remember: feeling bad sometimes is a part of NATURE!! (my wise grandpa told me this)