Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hi I want to write about an important talkpic. Its called. ROCKY SAW A LOON in the inlet only a few blocks away from my house. Now loons are cool. But whats especially cool is this: They make a cool sound. goodbye rov

I also want to add a polling question. Say you are taking a shower, totally NAKED. When you get out of the shower. Do you
A.) Put your socks on first or
B.) Put your underpants on first

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

special birthday shoutout to all the capricorns out there!

There[s much to consider this holiday season . Celebrations of light like christmas and chanukka , for example I made some latkes last night. Also It;s been snowing like crazy here so that's been an opportunity to shirk all my typical responsibilityies. That;s why capricorns desreve a special birthday shoutout so they don't feel overshadowed by hey-zeus or snowmen who also happen to be born at this especial time of year(KOJAK)

Monday, December 22, 2008

New names for my cat

New names for my cat
Little Smuggler

Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings

Ii have some more to add to this post: A PROPOSITION. My idea is that we spell "fecal" a new way so it can sound a bit more classy. Why not "fequale" and pronounced the same way. That way whenever you have to deal with "fequale" matter you can think to yourself. Well Jee it may be poo, but it does also have a fancy french spelling. Now below is the same paragraph, in webdings


Friday, December 12, 2008

•Value Judgementz*

Today is the last day of "Enrichment celebration". Meaning I will stop teaching litttle helions starting tonight. Don't get me wrong I don't think teaching is a bad thing at all. I am just realizing this wasn't the "RIGHT SITUATION FOR ME".

Which leads me to my next topic which is something I have been pondering the last .5 hour. Sometimes you do something you think will be good and it has adverse effects. For example the argument about corn for fuel, well it takes a lot of gasoline to make corn- so we are wasting just as much money. Or something. I forget how that argument works, but what it goes to show you is that something that appears to be a "GOOD THING" might actually be harmful. For example you might want to take screwed up park and re-hab it so people can do sports. But then without thinking about it, you destroyed the habitat which birds love. Or you might say I want to work work work and horde away my money. This seems to be in accrodance with my nations puritan roots. But then in would step Mr Bertrand Russel, philosopher and argue that perhaps you are TAKING A JOB AWAY FROM SOMEONE ELSE by working. Talk about a CONDUDNRUM. For example AGAIN. The economy CRASHING takes down people fuel consupmpiton and therefore We must crash our economy to help our climate emmissions. **THS is strate from the BBC this morning. not jokeing, Rocky

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


what up y'all I defended my knowledge against a panel of experts and came out on top! PHDFart is on the way as we speak. Just polishing up the essential documents before they are added to the archive of western civilization know as EL UNIVERSIDAD. IF you want your own version at home just print out all posts on this blog and bind them in a three ring binder. it's a an alternate path to the Truth (KOJAK)

Thursday, December 04, 2008


now that we are OLDER + WISER (a common theme on this blog growing older and wiser). I have started to get into hobbies that are more ... how shal I say_ Grown UP. For example BirdWatching. I Like doing this. This mornging I went out near a trash area of green point and saw the following species, which might Surprise you.
Great Blue Heron!
Some sort of ducks (not sure)

Monday, December 01, 2008

a few thoughts from the past few days

1. This morning: the lack of heat was really too much for "kojak+" ~negativity invading the mind~ -~ - ~ - ~ - ~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~ -~
luckily that one passed aided by a bike ride to work = restoration of CONTROL

2. saw a church identifying itself as "COGIC" is that a sign for kojak to respell name and spread the gospel?

3. observed pasha P. the cat batting her toy underneath furniture again and again making things very challenging for herself. It was like she thought: "it would be really tough if this thing went under the chair" then looked at the chair and subconsciously batted the toy and caused it to go under the chair in a self fulfilling prophecy. I'll leave it to you to uncover the true meaning of this thought for our own life

PS this was all in reverse order of it actually ocurring...the TRUTH is sometimes revealed in reverse as in cinema