Thursday, December 29, 2005

2005 summary - KEYWORDS analysis

after a rigorous analysis of all the has COME and PASt this year here are your KEYwords for summary:


you can do a search on them and find everything important from the year.
How is it all related???????
READ this TREATISE and find out....


Thursday, December 15, 2005

Starz = answerS

As many of you may know or suspect, There have been certain TRIBULATIONS surrounding the dramatic aspects of rocky life. Well don't fear for me. Because i am throwing my fate into the hands of a stranger. A stranger who READS THE WAYS OF THE STARZ. and I don't mean just movie starz like me, rocky dynamic, movie star. Regular starz too like BAETLJUICE.

When on the west coast I suggest mystical solutions for real problems, as opposed to LIPOSUCTION or whatever else you mite think of doing out there, TRENDY FOOL!! we'll see if I am right. But i have an intuitive sense or a 6th sense if you WILL. that I am right, and if I am wrong well I will get a Cozmic NOSE JOB.


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Northern Nowledge

Hey, Its me again! I'm tryin to give rocky a break from the harsh critics and maybe impart some knowledge to anyone who might still be loyal to this ^FORUM^ (yes CAPS - remember we make and BREAK the rules whenever we want so don;t say JACk 2 kojak!).

Remeber one of the things RSBF has stood 4 from day 1 is breaking international boundaries(???) Well, I'll have you know that its not just in cyberspace that you can do this. Yes TRENDY FOOL, it possible - PROOF: amtrak even does it and therefore so did I aboard the train called "CASCADES"!!

After transcending the borders one thing I noticed was the deep philosphy that CANADIANS put forth in public settings. I did soem EAvesdropping and heard this JEWEL (its about ping-pong - a trend many people have gotten with but still don;t know the real SIGNIFICANCE) : "people will always tell the TRUTH when playing ping-pong because they're mind is in a state of AWARENESS/HypNOSIS" Example given: " IF you ask someone they're age they will not be able to LIE." IS this possibly a good alternative to the torture advocated by the MAN??? I hope so. Maybe we will use it against him. I hope so.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

hello world I am experiencing physical and emotional exhaustion + lack of sleep

hows that. i am simply beat to a pulpy mess. but at least i am not currently being beaten to a pulpy splatter by a little kid smashing an orange with a stick, cuz now I am going to go 3 sleep-r

Saturday, December 03, 2005

a ∆ in society

Remember how people used to be outraged by ALL CAPS? how you could get a reaction out of just about everyone just by capitalizing your thoughts. Well today's breed of person is newer, smarter, more keen and aware. Today you must dominate the blog market not with your wild gesticulations but with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Today the it is time for a newer stronger breed of blog writer to step forward and articulate the complexities of the issues we face today. There are so many variables that it really takes a great deal of eloquence to elaborate on the various and sundry problems. You have to phrase your ideas so they are palpable and tangible to everyone. So that they might digest your motives in a clear and sensible way. Today's web surfers aren't just surfers on the web of the internet, they are sky divers. And what's more than that is that they are also spelunkers and kite-surfers. If you doubt the intellectual integrity of your core demographic well then, my friend, your writing may very well be lost to the wind. People want to take their time and really pore over every single little tiny word you write. Thats why I suggest a clear spoken clear headed approach to writing. Its just a matter of clarity, clearness, and a little transparency.

Thanks and Yours,
Rocky Dynamic