Monday, February 23, 2009

you're making me sexist

Tonight;s dinner was one of my especialities that I like to call "CHINA NOODLE" . It calls for a number of good ingredients for example TOF peanuts egg noodle zuchinni pepper etc . Another one I had to pick up from the store was GREEN ONION . I went to the mainstream grocer instead of my firendly cooperative due to the rain but still wanted to fo the extra mile ($) for the organic item.


THe organic green onion wasn't too much more $ so I went ahead and got it . Another thing was it came in a plastic bag but that wasn't much more packaging than the standard pull down one . (wow this is getting boring but almost at the essential point..keep paying attention) Anyways the packing was what they called "BRANDED" as opposed to a generic piece of produce. I payed it no mind but when I got home I realized the brand : " ORGANIC GIRL". That struck me as odd that they would risk alienating half of their target audiences . They must figure the females are more into this type of thing [ not sure how that makes me feel] .


One other thing about the packaging was that it exclaimed that the onions were not just "washed" but "washed^2" or washed to the second power or "washed squared". In fact they were washed twice which is not the second power of once unless by one you mean the square root of two

1 = √2 ?????????

MOral of the story: I don;t mind using a product for girls but don't come in my face with a false exponent! -kojak

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3rd Movie review EVER!!!!Soylent Green is made of Peeps

Disclaimer if you don't know SOYLENT GREEN IS MADE FROM PEOPLE then don't read this because it will ruin a movie I saw last night Called "Soylent Green: Made from People" Starrrrring Chas Heston. Actually it doens't ruin it because I, personally allready knew this astounding fact due to many a "POP" culture reference. So I knew that SOYLENT GREEN IS MADE FROM PEOPLE. What I wanted was

THE BIG PERFORMATIVE PAYOFF! I wanted to see that man scream "Soylent green is..." etc. And he doesn't, until the end, and its not even that much of a death curdling scream as you might expect. Its more of a Whimper. Strange I thought to myself, I thought this dude was going to Bust OFff screaming the aforementioned exclamation like crazy and loud with mad emotions. But lo it seems that the subsequent performances of people making fun of him in later movies/tv shows/ etc that I have seen in fact had more emotion and horror.

Whats more is that you may not remember there are other food products in this film and it remains unclear: they may or may not be "made from people". For example Soylent Red, and then we've got a very nice soylent yellow on the menu this evening. ! NOW LET ME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE> I know what you are thinking - its this- rocky I know you are a funny man and I appreciate your jokes about soylent green and all this variations on it but certainly I know they are SIMPLY JOKES> But FOLX::::::: That my folky friends is where you are WRONG WRONG WRONG because its not me whos being funny its the funny hollywood producers. Because ITS TRUE they have other soylents in this movie. So here are my guesses about what the other soylents are made from.

Soylent Yellow: Its made from PEE!
Soylent Brown: Its made from BROWNIES!!
Soylent Red: Its made from red apples pomegranates and acai superfood!!!
Soylent Purple: Its made from Purple dye #37!!!!
Soylent Puse: Its made from Barf!!!!!!!!
Soylent Periwinkle: Its made from SANTA CLAUS!@!!!


Sunday, February 15, 2009

save the date : RSBfart 5 year anniversary BASHMENT

I know I've been getting a little too historical lately but just wanted to mention a great event currently in the planning stages to celebrate 5 years of the FIRST BLOG to ever really be taken seriously (before that it was only computer geeks and everyone else maybe thought it was a gimmick) .

ANYway the "actual" blogaverisary will be in late june but the PARTY will be JULY 5th in the great state of VErmont hosted by la familia de kojak . Another excuse for partying is graduatation from school at last. activities may include.............
camping, maple syrup, fun foods, barnyard jam session, Cro-K, von C , b boys, &c...

Monday, February 09, 2009

2nd ever movie review - EVER!

Remember how our first random sketchy movie review left you wanting more....??
Well it came to my attention awhile back that there was another potentially relevant piece of cinema out there called THE WACKNESS . it then faded from my attention until cermak brought it home from the video store.

Yes indeed the WACKness is the title of the film and it goes something like this. Dude is OG prep school drug dealer with hip hop walkman but still thinks his life is "WACK" cuz he lacks the girl. he goes around talking about how everything is "MAD WACK" until he gets the girl which is "MAD DOPE" but then he screws that up and everything is back to "MAD WACK" again.

Is the lingo enough to save the film from the obvious fact that it's not as good as donny darko? In the eyes of this review I must say not really . Although it is helped by some WUTANG beats that is negated by the fact that method man appears in the film as a fakin jamaican.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Game people play

Sometimes, imagine this- you are walking down the street. NOw you KNOW THERE IS SOMEONE behind you because you HEAR their FOOTSTEPS. So you say to yourself. WELL: ROCKY. now you have to make the "AGE OLD" decision and that is weather should you SPEED UP YOUR WALKING TEMPO. or conversly Slow it down. So you say to yourself. NO ONE PASSES ME: NOT WHILE I"M WALKIN!!!!! ha ha! you say. as you speed up the temp and assure yourself of worldwide supremacy.

And just when you think you are home free- here come the **)# footsteps once again. I mean- just "What" is the person tryiing to prove and + I DO not appreciate Stalkers. SO you say to (inside your head, not out loud). OK "Friend" you want to play eh? and you take it up one more notch. Of course this freak stays with you as if he is DESPAREATLEy Trying to prove some silly trifling little point at your expense. So finally. Guess what you psychopathhic stalking homicidal maniac (mind you, you still haven't shown your utter weakness by looking back yet, not at least you still have that part of your dignity) you say FINE. you want to play games with me. Lets play. Go ahead and pass me if it really matters all that much to you. So you put on the old BRAKES. and now this fool does the same thing. and They are REALLY TESTING YOU LIMITS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you want to do follow me by 4 feet all day long. You are getting a SEVERE ITCH! to turn around and look at what type of person would be capable of such behaviour. Inside your head you are saying. Im goonna turn around IM GOONNA TURN AROUND ()()IM GONNA DO IT!!!!!*#&$*(#&(*#$&%*&#*(%&#*%&%*#&*(. and then what do you know the person stops and goes into a doorway. It looks like they won the battle. THIS TIME

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Bday Craze!

Birthday shout out to aquarius's. Did I get this wrong? What is the actual date of the Kojaks Birthday. I even tried to log onto friendster to see if it would tell me. But no it didn't. that makes me think of friendster suicide just a little bit more. Any Way Big Shout out. You Graduaated To Phd before you were 30 and that not somehting that everyone can say. Well. I guess everyone can say that, but most of them would be lying through their teeth. 30 is a ripe number. Ripe ripe ripe.
