Friday, October 23, 2009

computador historico

no this whole post will not be en espanol. We would not want to confuse the readership. There are 2 interrelated topics of conversation: the golden age of blogs and also printers love them or leave them.

on the golden age of blogs
, this has to do with comments . Does it resemble a conversation or a shouting match? The only way to avoid the latter is to not get too "muy popular" so that people want to shout you down. Luckily we keep it real chill here at RSBf and no one tries to act all cool and get attention in the comments section.

re: printers I;m generally opposed to setting one up at home except now I have no workplace to print so I gave it a shot. I thought hey this could be real cool to print stuff and move seamlessly between virtual and bricks n mortar realms but the only problem is I think the ink is BAD EG INVISIBLE INK

--brought to you by kojak AKA JUAN COMPUTADOR

Monday, October 19, 2009

chea p

I have a new Deli in town. Its in Bedsty where I have been working. I have been there 2x and the Prices? The Prices are the Best In Town. IN FACT I CHALLENGE ANY TOWN IN AMERICA to challenge the prices at my new little deli. Let me give you a little break down of what I got

Day 1: Toasted Cinnamon Raisn bagel with Creamcheese, Small coffe with milk===== $2
Day 2: Toasted Cinnamon Raisn bagel again with the creemchese, Small tea, 17.5 ounce Nantucket Nectar orange mango juice =======$3

is someone making mistakes? OR IS THIS THE CHEAPEST BREAKFAST NORTH OF the.. Mississippi?

addendum: they added sugar to my tea. YUCK. minyus points

Friday, October 16, 2009

rice in a sandwich?

indeed. I just ate one. So What about that? Perhaps yuou remember such other meals featuring much starch such as Pasta topped Pizza. Rice in a Sandwich gets you the starchy goodness of Bread and OF, You guessed it: RICE.
Ro_CK_y clickclocky

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Shout out to MCMC

nerds .......I've been reminded in the past few weeks about some of the qualities of nerds for example I happened upon a

Creative Reenactment type battle on a university lawn which was like a stars wars kid (tm) type duel amongst nerds, now I'm not saying that was cool;

But on the "cool" I have to give a shout out to a statistics expert who CLAIMS THE RAPPER ALIAS "MCMC" which I had to look up online because I couldn't find my class notes.

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods (which include random walk Monte Carlo methods), are a class of algorithms for sampling from probability distributions based on constructing a Markov chain that has the desired distribution as its equilibrium distribution. The state of the chain after a large number of steps is then used as a sample from the desired distribution. The quality of the sample improves as a function of the number of steps"

So I guess MCMC could bust out all those skills kinda like a certain MC formerly known as "ALLAH MATHEMATICS" if you know what I'm sayin (kojak)

Monday, October 05, 2009

life question

What percent of people practice "Indoor Voices" in today's society?

  • does it vary from place to place?
  • what will it be like in the future?

Friday, October 02, 2009

Best way to stir

here is a hint for all you out there. When you stir (milk into coffee) this is what i do. Stir two rotations one way, then you switch it up! and stir the other way. that really mixes it up.