For some reason I am not as upset by synchronized swimming as by ice dancing. One interesting thing, is that its all about SPARKLES. and Under water Makeup which I think could be good for the general audience that wants to jump in lake and still maintain a fantasmagoric image. Another thing is the SYNCRONIZATION- I wonder at what point we started valuing synchromization as a sport. its not like RACING the CLOCK , or hitting a target. There are some verging on hipter songs that are used and some that are really cheesy techno/. Finally-last prelimnary commnent- is that it is slightly suspect when you are meant to control your facial expression in a sport (OR IS IT- MAYBE this IS A GREAT SPORT)-- or maybe we should hvae a FACE OLYMPICS!
But to get to the real fashionn lesson we can learn from synkronized swimming, its the NOSEplugs. When you want to look as great as possible, but just want to throw something a little weird in there-- how about reaching for noseplugs, Its sure to stop any air (or water!) from going in your nose and it makes you look squeegie
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