Monday, October 11, 2004

THis is HOw I pay my AT and T BILL

this is how I do it: Ready?????

First I wait around for about 2 or 3 months. I guess they havene't figured this one out yet, Thye haven't pinned me down, So it continously surprises them when i don't pay. And then THEY ACT ALL HURT. LIke:

"Dear Rocky,

Why did you forget to pay your bill again, don't you know you are a VALUED customer and we love you so much, WE AREn't so much angry with you as much as we are dissapoointed with you. I MEAN good G&*(D you are more than halfeway towards 30 and you STILL CAN'T GET IT THRU YOUR FREAKING HEAD THAT YOU NEED TO PAY THE PHONE BILL EVERY MONTHE. COME ON NOW ROCKY, GIVE US THE MONEY OR we are going to talk to the student loan people and make sure that all of those student loan payments that you THOUGHt you made go strate into the toilet."

And then I look at the letter and I say to myself, JEEZ i onloy have a few weeks before i don't get busted and lose ALL MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS CALLS FROM ALL MY FRIENDS!!

and then I will wait a few more weeks. And then!!!! I get another letter in the mail and this one isn't even trying to be nice, infact in looks like its from a WHOLE Different Squad of People at the company. And its says something to the effect of:

There armed gunment outside of your window rite now, don't even turn around just pick up the phone (WHILE IT STILL WORKS) and give us the cash.

And I STILL HAVE AN ATTACHMENT for my life so i pik up the phone and pay with my credit card and PHEW! and then i actually look at the bill (JUST FOR KIX) and I see a bunch of really questionalble expenses, like roaming when I ALLREADY PAYED FOR THE WHOLE COUNTRY DUH!!!!!!

I bet those corporate FReAKS are LOL at my trouble. argh©©©©©©

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