Saturday, December 11, 2004

how 2 communicate w/ ANIMAL life

I have a couple TRIX i somtimes use to conversate with animals. Not really on the level of debate on ABSTRACT TOPIX but more just like a general BACK and FORTH (tet-a-tet :::a la francaise)
Dig if you will the picture:::I was reading a book at my local CAFE - everyone knows its the PLACE for the most intelligent life around. Next thing you know someone brought in a CUTE DOG to order their coffee with them. It was either a PUPPY or just a small dog like a JACk russel. SO I started tapping my toe really discreatly - using a style that the people didn;t notice but the dog did. Actually it got so HAPPY it just about started freaking out. It barked and JUMped UP and people were like WTF (?!?) - - THEY DIDN"T EVEN KNOW THAT WE WERE CONVERSATING.


Anonymous said...

aLOT of people DON"T know those scientificalistic tricx.


Anonymous said...

BTW!!!! good 'weird war' actually not so good video is at but it does involve geography


Anonymous said...

I listened 2 it w/ // sound OFF (looks like rock music~WHATEVVS)
they do seem to know alot about the MASONs though and there is a small DOG everyone should watch out 4

Random Sketchy Brainfart DOT COM dude said...

whoa kojak (from PA nto OH, whew!) that is a great way to conversate with the furry minds do you mind if i borrow that one when I get home for the holidays? i like to think it does not even require the physical moves all the time sometimes you just have to give a dog the right look and they know that you are _also_ thinking about the possibility of smarter lifeforms elsewhere in the universe.
