Monday, January 17, 2005


OK all you INSURGENTS out there . U know I love the comments so alls I;m sayin is like WACK-W: "BRING IT ON".......
this blog is dedicated to STAYIN THE COURSE and being as awesome as ever!!!!!!

1. Guess what ??? 1 of my predictions for '05 has already come TRUE. a certain maker of MP3 players (AKA the apple ipod)) has a new advertisment campaign ALL ABOUT THE WORD ""RANDOM"" . A certian ms. "Cermak" pointed this out to me. watch out 4 it. it's Xactly like I said would happen. and when you see it then come back here and KEEP PAYING ATTENtion.

2, We are likel;y to have more truthful statements in the future.............~~~~~~~~

Well that 's all i;ve got 4 now. I was gonna take MLK day off in honor of a great TELLER OF TRUTH but U people forced me to respond. And by the way B-4 you TALK SOME 'ISH - rsbf is nothing like "W" - I just used his lingo in an IRONICAL fashion which is 1 literary method of telling the TRUTH !!!



Random Sketchy Brainfart DOT COM dude said...

Kojak you saved the day.


Anonymous said...

BTW there is nothing in the world that gits peoples attention like the MuthaFreekin allmitey

