VERSION 17. bloGging since B4 adding pictures to blog posts was coOL!
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
let me tell you all about a book that saved my life when I was in the dolldroms of depressviness. Its called THE MOTHUFUCKIN BIBLE MOTHUFUCKA!! haha BLING BLING yall thats what I am talking about. Just Kiddding peopel/ But what I want to say is that I WAS feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders, much like atlas, yesterday. I was walking down 6th avenue in NYC and thinking things had reached a low state of affairs. DONo "Y" just thats the way it was:(
So thats when I made the RITE decision. I went into a Bookcellar. and I spent a good amount of thyme looking and looking and looking for a booking booking booking. then I found a couple and I spent a good 30 buckarooskis for em. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING YALL? THATS WHAT I AM SAYIN. and then I got home and I actually made the food for myself and then I got myself sucked up into """BOOK UNIVERSE""". and guess what folx? it cured my depressional state.
Partially what my book said was that BLOGGING IS AN ESSENTIAL X_PRESSION of democracy. And I was like WoRD Book> thats what I am saying. I mean voting is cool and all (even when it doesn't work the rite way - - - ) but I want to participate in this mof**kn democracy everyday byatCH. it also touches on some copyright issues that those of you who know my projex know that I am concerned with > Whana know what book it is ???????????
So thats when I made the RITE decision. I went into a Bookcellar. and I spent a good amount of thyme looking and looking and looking for a booking booking booking. then I found a couple and I spent a good 30 buckarooskis for em. YOU KNOW WHAT I AM SAYING YALL? THATS WHAT I AM SAYIN. and then I got home and I actually made the food for myself and then I got myself sucked up into """BOOK UNIVERSE""". and guess what folx? it cured my depressional state.
Partially what my book said was that BLOGGING IS AN ESSENTIAL X_PRESSION of democracy. And I was like WoRD Book> thats what I am saying. I mean voting is cool and all (even when it doesn't work the rite way - - - ) but I want to participate in this mof**kn democracy everyday byatCH. it also touches on some copyright issues that those of you who know my projex know that I am concerned with > Whana know what book it is ???????????
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
phone home punk
SHOUT OUT to whoever stole my phone!!!- PSYCHE!! actually, not, more like DISS-OUT. :(
I left my phone on the BUS the other day and I can't believe noone gave it back. First of all let me say my phone was BASIC in style - not worth big $$$ - no camera just the regular phone of a hardworking blogger.
I was so THOUGHTFUL about how to get it back I can't 'believe it didn't work:(1) I sent a SMS text and I was like "call here if you FIND THIS" . Even if a complete idiot picked it up he or she could FIND ME.
(2) Then I went to the bus stop and waited for the same driver to go by in case she had it. I stopped every non-HWP SWF (this was the best desccription I could remember) driver and asked if she got my phone............................................ALAS NO :(
the happy ending is a got a DOPE NU PHONE! _ Call me UP!!if you got the digits:)
I left my phone on the BUS the other day and I can't believe noone gave it back. First of all let me say my phone was BASIC in style - not worth big $$$ - no camera just the regular phone of a hardworking blogger.
I was so THOUGHTFUL about how to get it back I can't 'believe it didn't work:(1) I sent a SMS text and I was like "call here if you FIND THIS" . Even if a complete idiot picked it up he or she could FIND ME.
(2) Then I went to the bus stop and waited for the same driver to go by in case she had it. I stopped every non-HWP SWF (this was the best desccription I could remember) driver and asked if she got my phone............................................ALAS NO :(
the happy ending is a got a DOPE NU PHONE! _ Call me UP!!if you got the digits:)
Monday, March 28, 2005
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
HOLY SHniTZEL on A panCAKe :: The weather sux it BG time
I was just out there "In the Elementz" and I can tell you- Boy howdy, it is crazzzy sucky. Its like someone told me today. winter is trying to take its last strike at HuMAnity, much like in the movie ""the empire Strixe back" tonite is ending with an ambigous ending, like it seems that the bad weather guys kind of WON THE WAR 2nite. I was walking down my street, which is kind of sheltered from the elements, and when I turned the corner onto Broadway, the wide street that leads to the sea, I swear to everything that is holy that I almost got clear knocked over. 4 one thing my UMbrella got flipped inside out, and my hat it almost went a-flyin. People say that chigaGO is the windy city, but I have never stpped into a wind tunnel like the one I did 2day. Good thing I was wieghed down by all that free Peeeetzzza. The other thing that helps me not get blown away by the wind is that I stopped smoking "like a chimney". and now I got some solid healthy attitude.
I am just looking back at my post and I realized that I left out the most imortant Detail. It wasn't Rain NOR snow. It Twas a WINTRY miZNIX
I am just looking back at my post and I realized that I left out the most imortant Detail. It wasn't Rain NOR snow. It Twas a WINTRY miZNIX
the writing is on the waLL
################( something nuts just happened, I think my computer just had a BRAINFART and made up a posting of comepletely random letters - C BELO0)##############
what does it all mean?? - well alot of strange stuff has been happeneing like for example yesterday I tried 2 POST but it disapppeared??? COULD BE HACKERS OUT 4 the Big $$$'S
---------heres what I wanted 2 say before---------
"the writing is on the wall" refers to some THOUGHTS on a trip I just took to THE CITY OF ANGELS...i spent some QT with some exciting fellow blogers - one blood relative and one close associate.
the thoughts all come back to my new years resolutions/predictions.
THOUGHT 1:::): thought i'd let U know that we established our first brik,s & mortar location on VENCIE BEACH - just check out the link on the subtitle of the page - TRUTH - ...people can now experience the truth outside of the COMPUTER realm
THOUGHT 2: remember how I said poeple would steal our lingo? well guess what they tried to steal my identity and market it as a NEW TV SHOW. I think I don;t even care becasue it only inhances the mystery. pretty much noone can say who the real KOJAK is - I might be BLACK, WHITE, PACIFIC ISLANDER or anyting else or I might transend all of these categories ALLTOGETHER!!! (<- the truth)
what does it all mean?? - well alot of strange stuff has been happeneing like for example yesterday I tried 2 POST but it disapppeared??? COULD BE HACKERS OUT 4 the Big $$$'S
---------heres what I wanted 2 say before---------
"the writing is on the wall" refers to some THOUGHTS on a trip I just took to THE CITY OF ANGELS...i spent some QT with some exciting fellow blogers - one blood relative and one close associate.
the thoughts all come back to my new years resolutions/predictions.
THOUGHT 1:::): thought i'd let U know that we established our first brik,s & mortar location on VENCIE BEACH - just check out the link on the subtitle of the page - TRUTH - ...people can now experience the truth outside of the COMPUTER realm
THOUGHT 2: remember how I said poeple would steal our lingo? well guess what they tried to steal my identity and market it as a NEW TV SHOW. I think I don;t even care becasue it only inhances the mystery. pretty much noone can say who the real KOJAK is - I might be BLACK, WHITE, PACIFIC ISLANDER or anyting else or I might transend all of these categories ALLTOGETHER!!! (<- the truth)
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HJAF5685194L847K863798178787456456FD GD
8DF48DF48 44545 46
M,O9 u9-85jkvnvxcmlf'l;'hJSKJ;AUFIEDJNKL
HJAF5685194L847K863798178787456456FD GD
8DF48DF48 44545 46
Sunday, March 20, 2005
yesterday I went through a CRUCIAL (non-mathematical) TRANSFORMATION. if you guys saw me on the street today, you'd walk/bike RIGHT PAST ME without a second thought. in fact, one of my friends totally walked RIGHT PAST ME last night at a club and didn't notice until they accidentally turned and looked straight at me. going iNCOGNITO is all-important when you are a member of such an elite group of Talented Genius individualssssssss
...and not to mention now that the WORLD KNOWS this empire is worth mounds of cash
by the way, click here
...and not to mention now that the WORLD KNOWS this empire is worth mounds of cash
by the way, click here
Friday, March 18, 2005
Stallion of transportation UNsheathed
you have to scroll down the list of most profitable blogs. Uh is this on the reeeel
or wut??
Its that time of year again. time for all of those punk ass cabs to watch themselves b4 I RUN THERE SLOW ASSES OVER WITH MY KILLING DESTROYER bike. I am waiting for a summer thunderstorm of love in my heart so can just sit back and collect the rent checks. I am going to ride My bike ET style over the EAST river
you have to scroll down the list of most profitable blogs. Uh is this on the reeeel
or wut??
Its that time of year again. time for all of those punk ass cabs to watch themselves b4 I RUN THERE SLOW ASSES OVER WITH MY KILLING DESTROYER bike. I am waiting for a summer thunderstorm of love in my heart so can just sit back and collect the rent checks. I am going to ride My bike ET style over the EAST river
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Tape Dex broken I got the BOOM box
Now that everyone got their "Rocks OFF" by telling HYPER TEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE secrets I am giong to continue with some reall down and dirty DIRTY DIRTY DIRTY SOUTH blogging. But I won't stray to far from the subject. I want to recall a moment. A moment from MY PAST:":":":":"":":":":::":":":":":"{}{{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{_+_+_+_+_+_+_(E)R)E(R)E(
now I am giong to write with Extreme IPUgNITY about an event. There was this guy that was a boss dude and He ALWAYS pretended taht he didn't know nuting about technology and when I had to do web stuff for the co. (HTML = see! :() ) he would come up behind me and he would ask if it was possible to add a HYPER LINK to the page. Like as if I was using some sort of Xtreme methods. Then he would ask if me if 'we can 'make this digital'. He loved to use catch frazes like Mp3, Mac, Itunes, u2, and other stuff he thought was cool. He would be like ' so is this giong to be accessible by everyone on the world wide web?" DUH. WatCH OUT FOR A TRICKNOLOGY REVOLUTION OLD MAN YOU MITE GET RUNNED OVER BY THE STEAM TRAIN OF PROGRESSSSZX! the thing was - i know this guy is smarter than this and he just pretended to be dumb, so he wouldn't have to do any work. Thats how u know its a bad industry when KNOWLEDGE IS A LIABILITY
now I am giong to write with Extreme IPUgNITY about an event. There was this guy that was a boss dude and He ALWAYS pretended taht he didn't know nuting about technology and when I had to do web stuff for the co. (HTML = see! :() ) he would come up behind me and he would ask if it was possible to add a HYPER LINK to the page. Like as if I was using some sort of Xtreme methods. Then he would ask if me if 'we can 'make this digital'. He loved to use catch frazes like Mp3, Mac, Itunes, u2, and other stuff he thought was cool. He would be like ' so is this giong to be accessible by everyone on the world wide web?" DUH. WatCH OUT FOR A TRICKNOLOGY REVOLUTION OLD MAN YOU MITE GET RUNNED OVER BY THE STEAM TRAIN OF PROGRESSSSZX! the thing was - i know this guy is smarter than this and he just pretended to be dumb, so he wouldn't have to do any work. Thats how u know its a bad industry when KNOWLEDGE IS A LIABILITY
Monday, March 14, 2005
how do you like THEM Apples?
check out what the easter bunny left us...a new banner complete with UPC code!
p.s. - kojak, try this:
< li > text < /li>
p.s. - kojak, try this:
< li > text < /li>
Sunday, March 13, 2005
i no how 2
link - stibby sternch learned me. Also choo choo helped out A LOT!!!
we're all hanging out at this CAFE - earlier they played a soundtrak from AMELIE that's about the best link of I can think of right now . if u think its cheesy tehn YOU SUK
we're all hanging out at this CAFE - earlier they played a soundtrak from AMELIE that's about the best link of I can think of right now . if u think its cheesy tehn YOU SUK
Thursday, March 10, 2005
THE A+GAME. Kids, the smartest people
hi guys. As you can see RSBF has reached the NEXT LEVELES of tek nowledgYYYY!!!

So I just wanted to tell you all that I have been hangin with some 3rd and 4th granders and they are pretty cool. So I would choose kids over adults. SOme of the cool things they do is like this. Like yesterday, I was playing this little kid in a game where you have to remember where similar downward facing cards are, and choose the same ones to win. HE STRAIGHT UP wasted me. I was really trying hard too. and he was killing me like 3 to zero. All the kids have way better memory than adults. Other cool things they do is call me cool names like they call me "shaggy" and "the funny teacher". They are like "THAT GUY IS SHAGGY" and i thought it was cool, becuz I thought it was like they thought I was shaggy that rasta-rap guy. But then it turns out they think i am like Shaggy from scooby-doo. ((((WHICH IS NOT WHAT I AM REALLY LIKE)))) i have much better posture. The other thing is that, since I am only there for a few days, I can break all the rules to get the kids to be friends with me. SO they say "can I have another cookie?" and I am like "go for it kid, stuff your face!"
So I just wanted to tell you all that I have been hangin with some 3rd and 4th granders and they are pretty cool. So I would choose kids over adults. SOme of the cool things they do is like this. Like yesterday, I was playing this little kid in a game where you have to remember where similar downward facing cards are, and choose the same ones to win. HE STRAIGHT UP wasted me. I was really trying hard too. and he was killing me like 3 to zero. All the kids have way better memory than adults. Other cool things they do is call me cool names like they call me "shaggy" and "the funny teacher". They are like "THAT GUY IS SHAGGY" and i thought it was cool, becuz I thought it was like they thought I was shaggy that rasta-rap guy. But then it turns out they think i am like Shaggy from scooby-doo. ((((WHICH IS NOT WHAT I AM REALLY LIKE)))) i have much better posture. The other thing is that, since I am only there for a few days, I can break all the rules to get the kids to be friends with me. SO they say "can I have another cookie?" and I am like "go for it kid, stuff your face!"
Monday, March 07, 2005
main character FROM ZELDA BYATCH
Saturday, March 05, 2005
'TOC is switching coasts...permanently??
the rUMORS are true: I have temporarily SWITCHED coasts to eXspend some QUALITY TIME with kojaK, cermaK, and LICks. for approximately forty HOURS, licks and I have been putting soundz into a sound-acceptor, deVOURing FOODSTUFFS, and partaking in SCHEDULED SHUTEYE. but fear not, time has been made for WHIMSY as well. kojak showed me the wonders of FORM AND FUNCTION architecture and revealed to me two of his ultra-secret eating haunts. a couple evenings ago I did get to sing in pubLIC with LICks and crew. a GOOD NUMBER of peeps were present to WITNESS the awesome rock as well as my Rapid Rate of Intoxication.
there were also COVERT ACTIVITIESSSS that I cannot disclose here, but trust me when I say that a PERMANENT COASTAL SWITCH may be in the works. since I could not fit ROCKY in my suitcase on this trip, I plan on revisiting when his MASTER PLAN UNRAVELS and RSBF TAKES THE SEATOWN BY STORMMMMM!!!!
p.s. - cermak says: "holy f$*&@#* @@ chek it" there is another blog that has copied the RSBFart pepto bismol layout(versions 1&2). watch out, b/c the two of us are taking off WITHIN THE HOUR to HUNT them down in a neighborhood that has FRilly stores and FRatty barssss
there were also COVERT ACTIVITIESSSS that I cannot disclose here, but trust me when I say that a PERMANENT COASTAL SWITCH may be in the works. since I could not fit ROCKY in my suitcase on this trip, I plan on revisiting when his MASTER PLAN UNRAVELS and RSBF TAKES THE SEATOWN BY STORMMMMM!!!!
p.s. - cermak says: "holy f$*&@#* @@ chek it" there is another blog that has copied the RSBFart pepto bismol layout(versions 1&2). watch out, b/c the two of us are taking off WITHIN THE HOUR to HUNT them down in a neighborhood that has FRilly stores and FRatty barssss
Friday, March 04, 2005
YOur'e not THE BOSS of me
Good title right?
if you are wondering what it means, let me break it down for you
You involves YOU - the reader -
'Not' involves A NEGATIVE UH OH
THE BOSS means = bruce springsteen
And one final note for the scholars out there who COULD ROCK ANOTHER ACADEMIC LEVELS TO THIS ALLREADY COMPLEX TITLE. A note on parlance: This is how a little kid talks.
basically its like this> I was supposed to be in a color correct session with Bruce Springsteen the other day and I was like WOAH LIKE WOW. and then He COULDN"T (negative) make it. And then today I was helping the KIDZ (ie THE CHILDREN) with their homework.
My only message other than the X-Tended title, is that I too plan to visit the WEST COAST OF SEATOWN. And bring the INSANEST PLANNING EVENT OF LIFE WITH ME
if you are wondering what it means, let me break it down for you
You involves YOU - the reader -
'Not' involves A NEGATIVE UH OH
THE BOSS means = bruce springsteen
And one final note for the scholars out there who COULD ROCK ANOTHER ACADEMIC LEVELS TO THIS ALLREADY COMPLEX TITLE. A note on parlance: This is how a little kid talks.
basically its like this> I was supposed to be in a color correct session with Bruce Springsteen the other day and I was like WOAH LIKE WOW. and then He COULDN"T (negative) make it. And then today I was helping the KIDZ (ie THE CHILDREN) with their homework.
My only message other than the X-Tended title, is that I too plan to visit the WEST COAST OF SEATOWN. And bring the INSANEST PLANNING EVENT OF LIFE WITH ME
Thursday, March 03, 2005
hangin with 'TOC
another BRinks'n mortar update for those of you keeping score at home. ONe of the RSBF crew members has temporarily swithed coasts and we're hanging out in the west.
Yet another update: remember when I said Punxatawny phil the groundhog didn't apply to the west? HE knows his immideate environment really well like PA, NY, OH and other states but I really didn;t think he could say much about the complete other side of the continent. TURNS OUT, I was right because I feel winter is SO OVER - like it has been since 2/2 - AKA my birthday...
Well, rumor has it 'TOC might sing some songs tonight...that would really B A BLAST &^$#%&$#&^$% - hope its true.
Yet another update: remember when I said Punxatawny phil the groundhog didn't apply to the west? HE knows his immideate environment really well like PA, NY, OH and other states but I really didn;t think he could say much about the complete other side of the continent. TURNS OUT, I was right because I feel winter is SO OVER - like it has been since 2/2 - AKA my birthday...
Well, rumor has it 'TOC might sing some songs tonight...that would really B A BLAST &^$#%&$#&^$% - hope its true.
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