Sunday, September 18, 2005


do you ever go thru those days where you just forget to eat? Wow. its a physical challenge to your stomach. then you remember and you are like Woah. time to eat dude, rememember about how you need to survive and all that jazz? so how about something to eat? and then your alternatives are dependent on your cite'. for exampole. san fran - burrito. nyc - pizzzznich. seatle - brown rice and pabst, portland - apple baked sausages. yum I wish i was in portland.
So this is my treatise. Sustanance is good for well being. It has been proven since the days of your. One must eat inorder to enjoy the lifestyle. A good wholesome meal provides a warm jelly cream fillling for el estomago. like a lemon custard donut, Can you imagine if someone stabbed the old tummy with a knife? not pleasant to think of right? imagine all of that precious custard cream spilling into the gutters. Did I shatter your picture of niceness. WELL I AM SORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRY



Anonymous said...

last night I was real hungry and I changed up the Seattle style out of neccessities:
WHITE rice - CHICK peas - REGULAR peas
alll together in a bowl with some curry flava


Random Sketchy Brainfart DOT COM dude said...

you know why they call them "CHICK" peas? cuz they get you chix