if you like the idea of Salmon and the feel of pink vote: PINK THE COLOR OF TODAY and yesteryear.
Rocky: "Grabbin minds since 2004"(when I discovered the true secret of life=Wheeties brand cereal for breakfast covered with powdered sugar and SPRINKLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!
Holy KRIKEY. the new blogger has enstated REVISIONIST history and all aethetic changes made today cut straight back to the days of yore. and now even RSBF post #1 is in this new style. This is kind of scary and kind of not cool. But what can we do. shiz! -r
Are those the only two color options?
no there are many more colors offered on the web. I was just trying to limit them to a bite size bite. Got another idea?
The words included in the SALMON excerpt may be an extreme HAIKOO! Pink don't blink, but yellow on pink is hard 2 see.
maybe we should puce this place up abit instead of yesllow-r
::::from the French puce, literally "flea." It is speculated that it refers to the colour of a squashed flea or the colour of a flea full of blood.
gross, wiki(UK), grooss!
do any screenshots remain of the original rsbf PINK???? - I vote saLmon over the lightish pink (2 soft light bulb)
the only screen shots that exist that I know of were the "infinite regress" series http://rsbfart.blogspot.com/2005/09/sevy.html
every version of RSBF should be in the national archive! -looks nice now!
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